
In addition to amazing taste the coco contains also the mass of useful substances.

Кокосы на пальме


The coco, or as it is called still, coconut is a fruit of a coconut palm tree, the plant relating to family Palm. The name of a fruit comes from the Portuguese word coco which is translated as "monkey", and is connected with existence on its surface of the spots doing it similar to a muzzle of a monkey. Scientists consider that the homeland of a coco is the region of Southeast Asia. Now it is eurysynusic in tropical areas of both hemispheres. Preferential, are engaged in cultivation and export of cocoes in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Brazil and in a set of the states located on the Pacific coasts.

Generally, a fruit of a coconut palm tree – not nut, and just a stone fruit of rounded shape which diameter makes from 10 to 30 cm. It is covered with a thick layer of fibers and weighs to 2,5 kg. At us in shops the stone fruit which is already cleared of fibers which outside cover consists of a firm shell with three "eyes" - the soft sites located nearby from each other is on sale. Inside there is a soft cover – edible pulp of a coco which is also called a copra, having white color and coconut water – slightly sweetish liquid.

Eat coconut milk and pulp. Pulp is used in a fresh or dried look. It is added to various salads, soups, main courses and confectionery. From pulp also receive coconut milk and oil of a coco which is widely used in cookery and in preparation of various cosmetics.

Structure and caloric content of a coco

100 g of pulp of a coco contain 44,6 g of water, 36,5 g of fats, 4,8 g of carbohydrates, 3,9 g of proteins and 9 g of cellulose; vitamins: groups B, E, C, PP, N; macrocells: sodium, calcium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus; microelements: fluorine, selenium, zinc, iodine, manganese, iron, copper.

Caloric content of a coco is quite high and makes 364 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Useful properties of a coco

The coco, and also the milk and oil of a coco received from it, have multiple useful properties:

  • Normalize work of a thyroid gland;
  • Improve work of a liver and the alimentary system;
  • Pulp of a coco and milk are capable to recover well forces and to improve sight;
  • Oil of a coco feeds and strengthens hair, improves their general state and outward;
  • Relax muscles and help at diseases of joints;
  • Coconut milk well satisfies thirst;
  • Oil of a coco and milk favorably influence a condition of skin, smooth wrinkles, humidify and feed it;
  • Increase immunity and body resistance to infections, reduce adaptability of viruses to antibiotics;
  • Help an organism at catarrhal diseases and flu, diarrhea, diseases of a gall bladder, AIDS, herpes;
  • Reduce risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases of cardiovascular system, and also oncological diseases and degeneratsionny processes;
  • Possess wound healing, antimicrobic, vermifuge, antiviral action.
Кокосовые орехи

Thanks to the lauric acid (the main fatty acid which is a part of breast milk) which is contained in pulp useful property of a coco is decrease in cholesterol in blood.

Despite numerous useful properties of a coco, it needs to be avoided with individual intolerance to any component which is its part.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.