Crabs are representatives of Crustacea. They can live both in sea, and in fresh water. These animals eat invertebrates. Crabs breed, postponing to secluded places of a berry which undergo a number of intermediate transformations before becoming an adult individual.
At a crab the little head merging with a breast. From above the body of a crab is protected by a chitinous armor which is an external skeleton. These animals change an armor during growth several times for life. In the period of a molt the old armor departs, and new will not become impregnated adequately with lime yet, remains rather weak that is done by an animal very vulnerable. Here therefore somehow to be protected during this dangerous period, crabs mask towards the color and the invoice of an environment. With the same purpose in the first days after a molt they hide and do not hunt.
On a front pair of legs at crabs claws which help them to hunt and escape from persecutors are located. In case of danger crabs can throw off claws. The fact that blood at crabs of blue color is interesting.
Eat meat of crabs which is delicious seafood with surprisingly gentle taste. Meat at crabs is in claws, pads and on a back. As in each individual of meat it is a little, production of a crab in industrial volumes is labor-consuming that determines its high cost.
Crab meat – a rich source of full-fledged protein, with the low content of fat. Carbohydrates as a part of it are absent. It becomes an important factor at inclusion of dietary crabmeat in a diet of corpulent people and patients with obesity. Protein of crabs is easily digested and acquired by an organism, in crab meat there is practically no connecting fabric. Thanks to it at rather low caloric content of crabs the feeling of saturation is reached quickly enough.
In structure of protein a considerable share amino acid occupies taurine which supports health of muscles and blood vessels, eye retinas.
About advantage of a crab it is possible to judge also by existence an omega-6 and an omega-3 of the fatty acids reducing the content of "harmful" cholesterol in blood of the person that in turn considerably reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.
The crabs living in the sea accumulate a lot of iodine – the major microelement for the person. Iodine is included into structure of hormones of a thyroid gland, and they participate in regulation of all types of a metabolism, are responsible for development of a nervous system and human height. Only 20 - 40 g of meat of crabs contain standard daily rate of iodine.
The crab and vitamins, especially RR and groups B, and also microelements is rich. Zinc and selenium from seafood participate in formation of testosterone – a sex hormone at men. Therefore for them the advantage of a crab consists also in maintenance of a libido. Also its meat contains copper, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, etc.
Crabs are useful to the people suffering from digestion disturbances, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and pathology of a thyroid gland at vision disorders, anemia, a depression or a nerve strain.
Caloric content of crabs makes about 85 kcal on 100 g of a product.
As the crab possesses very tasty meat, even simple recipes of preparation give as a result amazingly gentle delicious dishes. So that to boil a crab, it is necessary to add to water salt at the rate of 50 g on 1 liter of water and to cook about 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. When the crab is ready, small claws easily separate from meat. Before the use it is better to cool it. Before giving crabmeat is sprinkled lemon juice and decorated with greens branches.
This seafood enters a compounding of many delicious salads and exotic dishes. As crab meat quickly spoils, it is stored very short time – not longer than 15 hours (or 30 hours on ice).
In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.
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