
The cryosauna – the equipment which subjects skin to influence of temperature below zero than degrees Fahrenheit for three minutes or less, for recreational impact on all body. Aero cryotherapy was developed in Japan in 1978, and later got to Europe where it was improved.Криосауна - эффективный метод в борьбе с лишним весом

The cryosauna adjusts physiological processes, recovers natural balance, stimulates a metabolism and immune system of an organism. Courses of treatment in the cryosauna, according to reviews, short, however provoke bystry positive reaction. The result of cryotherapy can be seen in 5-10 minutes after a course of treatment, and it lasts not less than 6 hours.

The procedure of cryotherapy lasts from 60 seconds to 3 minutes and is held in the closed cryosauna where cryogenic gas with fall of temperature from-25 to -150 °C for 30 seconds is supplied. The general course averages 15-20 procedures throughout which duration of the procedure gradually increases. Patients for passing of the procedure put on not synthetic underwear, and legs boot covers or socks.

Advantage of cryotherapy

Metabolic rate for the purpose of obtaining heat forces an organism to increase impacts of cold. This effect lasts hour after the procedure therefore the organism burns about 500 calories. After several procedures, increase in speed of metabolism tends to last longer during the period between sessions.

Cold air activates increase in production of collagen in deep layers of skin therefore skin becomes more smooth, elasticity is recovered and considerably the general condition of skin improves.

According to reviews the cryosauna is the efficient procedure in fight against aging of skin, cellulitis and excess weight, at the same time the procedure helps to accelerate postoperative recovery and to relieve pain from such diseases as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Positive effects of the cryosauna are power raising and improvement of a dream. With each session the body excretes endorphines which create effect of euphoria that helps at treatment of a depression and other mental diseases. The purpose of the procedure is reduction of cellular metabolism, increase in survival of cells, reduction of inflammations, pain and spasms, it promotes vasoconstriction, and when using extreme temperatures destroys cells by cytosol crystallization.

The cryosauna for weight loss

Длительность процедуры в криосауне - до 3 минутAt the excess weight the procedure of the cryosauna for weight loss lasts 3 minutes, throughout the course consisting of 25-30 procedures. Usually for achievement of the best result it is necessary to conduct 2-3 courses with a break between them in one month.

Loss of weight happens after the procedure for 4-5 hours, due to the accelerated combustion of carbohydrates and splitting of fats. Besides, the cryosauna accelerates a metabolism, improves blood circulation, raises a tone of muscles that leads to passive loss of weight. On average, after one course of the weight consisting from 10 to 20 sessions, loss makes from 3 to 10 kilograms, however the cryosauna for weight loss sometimes helps only on the second or third repeated year.

The cryosauna is not only the powerful accelerator of exchange processes, but also exerts strong impact on normalization of hormonal balance and burns fats. It is better to combine procedures of the cryosauna with a rigid diet and physical exercises, such as swimming, fitness, shaping, Pilates, aerobics or dances.

Indications to the cryosauna

Indications to the cryosauna are the syndrome of chronic fatigue, a stress, a depression and arthrosis. After passing of a course of cryotherapy patients usually completely cease to take medicine and get rid of the illnesses. Also indications to the cryosauna are:

  • Sleeplessness;
  • Musculoskeletal system diseases;
  • Allergies;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Problems with a metabolism;
  • Impotence;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Disturbances of a menstrual cycle;
  • Dysfunction of ovaries;
  • The increased intracranial pressure;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus.


Contraindications to the cryosauna are:

  • Cardiac pathologies;
  • Idiopathic hypertensia;
  • The increased temperature and heat;
  • Heart failure;
  • Brain stroke;
  • Myocardial infarction.

Also contraindications to the cryosauna are the general serious condition of the patient, thrombophlebitis, a hypertension ІІ degrees, malignant tumors, a pulmonary tuberculosis, individual intolerance of cold and hysterical neurosis.

Whether you know that:

The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.