Application instruction:
Lorindenm And – outside drug with keratolytic and antiinflammatory action.
Lorindenm And is released in the form of ointment for external use: fat, soft, color, white with a light yellow shade (in aluminum tubas on 15 g, on 1 tuba in a cardboard pack).
Active agents are a part of 100 mg of ointment:
Auxiliary components: propylene glycol – 5 mg, lanolin – 5 mg, vaseline – to 100 mg.
Lorindenm And is appointed at treatment of allergodermatoz (acute and chronic), in particular proceeding with excessive keratinization of skin:
Lorindenm And should be applied with care in the presence of atrophic changes of skin, in particular at elderly patients.
Lorindenm And is applied outwardly, applying with a thin layer 2-3 times a day on areas of defeat. After stopping of an acute inflammation frequency rate of use of drug is reduced to 1-2 times a day.
After total disappearance of symptoms of a disease it is necessary to continue therapy 3-4 more days. It is longer not necessary to carry out treatment of chronic skin defeats 21 days.
Lorindenm And can also be applied in the form of occlusive bandages which change each 24-48 hours.
At treatment of defeats on the fat-free and dry sites of skin which are characterized by the expressed likhenization infiltration, desquamation and a hyperkeratosis, and also callosity, by means of thickness of the put layer it is possible to regulate extent of moistening (individually, according to therapeutic requirements).
To apply Lorindenm And on face skin contraindicated. It is necessary to watch that ointment did not get on a conjunctiva and mucous membranes.
It is not recommended to exceed duration of the appointed therapy course as at prolonged use of ointment on extensive areas of skin the frequency of emergence of side effects increases.
At development of an infection on site putting ointment it is necessary to apply means with more expressed antifungal or antibacterial action.
It is necessary to avoid repeated putting ointment on extensive sites of skin at patients with heavy degree of a renal failure (because of possible systemic action of active agent – salicylic acid).
Ointment does not contaminate bed linen and clothes.
To children Lorindenm And is appointed only short courses in cases of unconditional need on small sites of skin.
To carry out immunization and vaccination during use of Lorindenm And it is contraindicated (because of its immunodepressive effect).
It is not recommended to apply Lorindenm And together with other outside medicines.
The risk of development of side effects increases at joint appointment with the following drugs: diuretics, androgens, oral contraceptives, estrogen, anabolic steroids, букарбан, antipsychotic means, Azathioprinum, holinoblokator, antihistaminic drugs, nitrates, tricyclic antidepressants, cardiac glycosides.
In case of system absorption Lorindenm And lowers action of peroral hypoglycemic means, insulin, anticoagulants, hypotensive drugs, and also reduces concentration of a prazikvantel in blood serum.
To store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.
Period of validity – 3 years.
Name of drug
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