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Cuff ordinary – the herbaceous plant belonging to family of the Rose family.


Description of a cuff ordinary

This creeping perennial plant in height can reach 40 cm, upper leaves practically without scapes, the lower leaves on long scapes. Leaves of a cuff have the original form therefore they are used as a basis of elements of a decor. For example, at design of the waiting room of the Kursk station of Moscow the configuration of a leaf of a cuff was used.

Flowers at a cuff inconspicuous, a flavovirent shade, the small sizes, are collected in umbrellas.

It is possible to meet a plant in all territory of Europe, except for the southern regions. It grows in Ukraine, the European part of Russia and in the North Caucasus. Prefers the forest edges mixed and the pine woods, roadsides of roads and a ploughland.

History of use of a cuff

For a long time the plant is carried to the category magic thanks to unique feature – even in warm nights dew gathers on its leaves. Scientists consider that the plant is capable to emit water. On some reviews of a cuff, in the ancient time alchemists used these droplets for receiving a philosophers' stone. And young girls used dew as a love potion.

Broth of a cuff ordinary was used for receiving green, yellow and black paint.

The cuff and in cookery found the application. Generally use draws and leaves of a cuff. From them cook salads and soups, sometimes fray, and use as seasoning. Leaves pickle together with vegetables.

In official medicine the cuff did not find the application, however in traditional medicine it is used very widely. In May-July herbalists collect plant leaves, in September – roots.

Chemical composition of a cuff ordinary

Stalks and leaves of a cuff contain catechins, tannins, lipids, flavonoids, derivatives of fenolkarbonovy acids.

Leaves contain a lot of vitamin C and such microelements as zinc, iron, manganese, boron.

Use of a cuff in traditional medicine

Thanks to the useful properties the cuff is used as a medicinal plant in many countries.

Denmark applies a plant to fight against an ulcer and healing of wounds, in Norway – outwardly and internally against herpes, in Italy – as diuretic, against diarrhea and dropsy.

At sleeplessness and catarrhal diseases medicinal properties of a cuff also help.

Plant broth is applied outwardly at furuncles, ulcers, burns, an acne. In the form of syringing it is used at белях. At diseases of bodies of a small pelvis take baths with plant broth. Bathtubs with a cuff ordinary do also for small children for strengthening of muscles.

Fresh leaves of a plant put at rheumatism, burns, a felon.

For a long time the plant was used for treatment of bleedings and wounds outside and internal, at inflammations chronic and acuity, at tumors and an ergotism. Positive reviews demonstrate to a cuff that it is fine means for clarification of blood and decrease in cholesterol. Also it is used at bronchial asthma, for treatment of an allergy, furuncles and acne rash.

Women, judging by reviews of a cuff, consider it remarkable means at many female indispositions and diseases. It is used at pains in the bottom of a stomach, белях, inflammations, infertility, a menorrhagia, at dysfunctional uterine bleedings, at disturbances of a menstrual cycle.

At threat of an abortion of property of a cuff help to keep pregnancy and to be prepared for childbirth. If to accept plant broth inside, since third month of pregnancy and before childbirth, then the probability of premature births considerably decreases, there are no problems with a placenta otkhozhdeniye, childbirth will be lungs.Манжетка обыкновенная

Remarkable styptic property of a cuff saved life to many women in days of old. After the delivery broth of a plant helps to stop a wound and to adjust a lactation.

Use a cuff in traditional medicine and at a tselyullita, obesity, combining plant decoction with a recreational diet and exercise stresses.

Thanks to the fact that the plant is capable to lower cholesterol level in blood it is used for treatment of atherosclerosis and at a stroke.


No negative reviews of a cuff and contraindications to it are revealed. In case of overdose developing of diarrhea is possible. In this case its reception should be stopped.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.