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Massage therapist

The massage therapist is a specialist with medical education who by means of mechanical impact on muscles and tissues of the person, stimulates work nervous and other physiological systems of an organism.

Массажист - специалист по массажу

Massage therapists work generally hands, besides, also special devices can be used. For improvement of impact on receptors massage therapists can use special oils.

In what directions massage therapists work

Massage therapists work in sport, medicine, cosmetology. Sports massage therapists are engaged in training of athletes, medical massage therapists – auxiliary treatment of various diseases, and cosmetic – correction of defects of skin.

From above-mentioned it is possible to call any massage medical as impact on skin, muscles and a backbone allows to accelerate recovery at disbolism, diseases of a respiratory organs, a nervous system, a GIT, cardiovascular system, a musculoskeletal system, generative organs.

Massage is often used for rehabilitation of the people who had serious injuries of the head, backbone, extremities.

The medical massage therapists and specialists working in other directions in the work use different receptions. The main of them are vibrations, blows, grindings, strokings, puddling.

Before getting to work the good massage therapist will perform the general inspection of the patient, will ask on complaints, will collect the anamnesis, if necessary will appoint X-ray of joints or a tomography.

When it is necessary to address the massage therapist

Massage, unlike manual therapy is shown all – for prevention of different diseases, maintenance of immunity, the general tone.

Also to recommend address the massage therapist can that who has neck, waist, spin pains, headaches, who has a muscle strain, the beginning to live changes, arthritis, a miositis, a mialgiya, neuralgia, hypertensia or hypotonia, paralysis, stenocardia, gastrointestinal diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Massage and to those who suffer from disturbance of functionality of a large intestine helps.

Separately it is necessary to allocate the children's massage therapist. Address it if such diseases were found in the child: wryneck, clubfoot, flat-footedness, various degrees of dislocation of a hip, muscle hyper tone or hypotone, umbilical hernia. Children's massage therapists help also at intestinal gripes at children.

The good massage therapist, working with the child, can make so that he will improve a lymph flow and blood supply, a metabolism, work of secretory system, growth of muscle bulk.

In what cases massage is contraindicated

If you accept the decision to complete a massage course independently, then it is necessary to know in what cases and at what diseases it is undesirable to address cosmetic, sports, medical massage therapists:

  • lymphadenitis;
  • tumors;
  • myocardium ischemia in an acute stage;
  • purulent damages of skin;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • the allergy which is followed by an enanthesis;
  • gangrene;
  • syphilis;
  • ulcers are trophic;
  • thrombosis;
  • existence of bleedings or tendency to them;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the postoperative period which is followed by various complications;
  • the pathologies of heart, liver, kidneys which are in an acute stage;
  • state after alcohol intake or drugs.

As receive the massage therapist's profession

Massage therapists get the education in averages and the highest medical or sports facilities.

Except education the massage therapist has to have special training in the medical center accredited for training in technicians of massage, receive the document confirming qualification.

Not less than once in 5 years adult and children's massage therapists have to take courses on professional development, be certified and confirm or increase the category.

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