Main > Drugs> Foxglove


Useful properties of a foxglove

Наперстянка пурпурнаяFoxglove purple – a plant from family of a figwort family. Its informal names: forest jingle, forest hand bell, grass glove. Interest for medicine is made by not bright flowers of a foxglove, but its leaves. Two-year-old and leaves for the therapeutic purposes collect a plant only for the second year after its landing. Foxglove flowers also appear for the second year of life of a plant, in the summer. They can be violet, pink, white and yellow colors.

Leaves of a foxglove contain cardiac glycosides – the substances toning activity of a muscle of heart, helping to eliminate arrhythmia: digoxin, lanatosidums of E, C, A, B, D, digitoxin, Gitoxinum, acetyldigitoxin, диготонин, purpureaglikozida And, Century.


Digoxin and lanatosidum of Page have the greatest activity. Foxglove drugs which these glycosides enter are applied in medical practice to treatment of chronic and acute forms of a circulatory unefficiency, tachycardia, a hypertension, a sclerosis of coronary vessels, defect of the mitral valve, a myocardial dystrophy, an acute heart failure.

At the same time note such properties of a foxglove: it increases the power of cordial emission, extends a diastole, reduces an excitation threshold of the carrying-out cordial system, promote increase in level of calcium in plasma. All this stabilizes blood circulation in a myocardium and a blood stream in vessels. Glycosides of a foxglove purple collect in fabrics and therefore their therapeutic action is long. Also such property of a foxglove is noted – the saponins which are its part and digitonin increase absorption of other glycosides accepted by the patient.

Pharmaceutical industry the following drugs of a foxglove are produced: the tablets containing a dry concentrate of leaves, powder of the dried-up leaves, infusion from leaves, the tablets Gitoxinum, Digitoxin, Cordigitum, solutions and the tablets Digoxin and Celanidum.

Дигоксин - лекарство на основе наперстянки пурпурнойDrugs on the basis of a foxglove purple Celanidum and Digoxin work quickly and therefore it is possible to apply them in acute cases. For an attack stop glycosides enter intravenously, and for treatment of chronic forms of heart diseases appoint tablets. After intravenous administration cardiotonic properties of a foxglove are shown through 15-30min, and at use inside – through 1,5-2ch after reception of tablets.

Contraindications to use of a foxglove

The foxglove – a noxious plant with a number of serious side effects therefore to apply its leaves independently, in house conditions is not recommended. It is possible to grow up foxglove flowers on personal plots only with the decorative purpose.

Drugs of a foxglove can be accepted only under observation of the cardiologist in a hospital – because of the wrong dosing of means there can be poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning with a foxglove: decrease in pulse rate, an asthma, reduction of frequency of urinations, nausea, disturbance of a cordial rhythm, diarrhea, a headache, dizziness, a posineniye of lips, suffocation, severe pains in a body, a shiver, hallucinations, convulsions, a mental disorder. As a lethal dose are considered 2,25g foxgloves.

Treatment of poisoning is begun with immediate cleaning of intestines, a stomach, reception of absorbent carbon or other sorbent. Surely it is necessary to ask for medical assistance. Usually to the patients who arrived with foxglove poisoning appoint caffeine, atropine, potassium chloride, Unithiolum.

The foxglove is contraindicated at: an acute heart attack, a total atrioventricular block and other manifestations of the expressed bradyarrhythmia, an active rheumatic carditis, a stenosis of the aortal valve, an endocarditis, the compensated heart diseases.

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