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Aspen mushroom

The aspen mushroom concerns to family of boletovy. In the nature there are several its versions. Most often yellow-brown, white and red aspen mushrooms meet (the last still quite often call krasnogoloviky). The leg of an aspen mushroom has white color, and from above is covered with black or brown scales which remind flakes. A hat in the diameter from 5 to 25 cm. On a break aspen mushroom pulp white, then under the influence of air begins to turn pink, and then to blacken. These mushrooms grow quickly enough, for each day of its weight increases approximately by 20,0 g. The term of life of an aspen mushroom makes only 11 days.


Distribution in the nature

Aspen mushrooms preferential grow in the mixed and deciduous woods. It most often can be found in the neighbourhood with young aspens what this mushroom and received the name for. In Russia aspen mushrooms meet in the woods of the Far East and Siberia, in Perm Krai, the Penza, Moscow, Murmansk and Leningrad regions.

Use of an aspen mushroom

On nutritious and to tastes the aspen mushroom practically does not concede to a birch mushroom. It can cook, fry, dry, pickle, to be salted. In food it is possible to use not only a hat, but also a leg. However many fans of mushrooms consider it slightly hardish.

In the course of preparation pulp of a mushroom darkens. For prevention of it it is recommended to soak aspen mushrooms in weak (0,5%) solution of acetic or citric acid within 30-40 minutes.

Aspen mushrooms can be used for preparation of very tasty salads and soups. This mushroom is perfectly combined with cabbage, potatoes, buckwheat and rice. From dried aspen mushrooms it is possible to cook the soup which is not conceding on the caloric content to a beef-infusion broth.

Structure of aspen mushrooms

These mushrooms contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins. They are rich with cellulose, mineral substances and vitamins (group B, C, A, PP). On the content of RR vitamin aspen mushrooms do not concede to yeast and a liver, and on the content of vitamins of group B – to grain crops.

In aspen mushrooms there is a lot of protein, but, unfortunately, it is acquired by a human body slightly worse, than meat protein. However all irreplaceable amino acids are a part of this protein. For this reason nutritionists recommend to include aspen mushrooms in a diet of the people who had inflammatory or infectious diseases, operative measures.

Caloric content of dried aspen mushrooms makes 314,7 kcal on 100,0 g of mushrooms, and fresh – 22 kcal.


Does not follow often or in large numbers to eat aspen mushrooms to persons with diseases of a liver and/or kidneys.

Interesting fact

Using aspen mushrooms in food, it is possible not to be afraid of poisoning since this mushroom cannot be confused with one inedible or poisonous mushroom.

Суп с подосиновиками

Dried aspen mushrooms

Dried aspen mushrooms in a large number contain mineral substances and food fibers. They promote improvement of metabolic processes, a lowering of arterial pressure, elimination of headaches.

In addition dried aspen mushrooms are vitamin-rich PP, D, C and groups B which are so necessary for many exchange processes, the general health and beauty of the person.

Contraindications for dried aspen mushrooms

Any mushrooms, and especially dried, are rather heavy food for digestive tract of the person. Therefore people of old age and children should not eat dried aspen mushrooms in large numbers. Aspen mushrooms have to be completely excluded from a diet of those people who suffer from individual intolerance of this food stuff.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.