Main > Diseases> Polyps of a neck of uterus

Polyps of a neck of uterus

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Polyps of a neck of uterus represent the most widespread high-quality new growths which are formed as a result of pathological growth of a ferruterous epithelial layer of mucous. Places of localization of polyps of a neck of uterus usually are located in an outside pharynx, in upper or its median part.

Growth of polyps of a neck of uterus happens imperceptibly and almost without serious consequences, their outward represents a red, smooth new growth on a leg or on the wide basis. The sizes of polyps can be absolutely various - from absolutely tiny, scarcely noticeable at visual survey, to huge, hanging down as "feelers", from an outside pharynx of the cervical channel.

Reasons of polyps of a neck of uterus

Till today the exact reasons of formation of polyps of a neck of uterus up to the end are not studied yet. Most of researchers inclines to the general opinion that the following pathological factors are the main reasons for polyps of a neck of uterus:

- eroziyny processes in a neck of uterus;

- injuries and damages to area of a neck of uterus;

- effects of inflammatory diseases;

- a hormonal imbalance in an organism.

Types of polyps of a neck of uterus

Distinguish the following types of polyps of a neck of uterus:

- fibrous polyps (structure - fibrous fabric of an endometria, most likely occur at patients of advanced age, more often than other types of polyps are capable to malignant regeneration);

- glandular polyps (structure – endometria fabrics with inclusion of ferruterous bodies, the sizes of polyps no more than 1,5 cm, after removal of a polyp of a neck of uterus of this type of a complication arise extremely seldom);

- ferruterous and fibrous polyps (structure – connecting fabric and cells of an endometria, the sizes – no more than 2,5 cm, after removal of a polyp of a neck of uterus of ferruterous and fibrous type carrying out a course of hormonal therapy and observation of the gynecologist is shown to patients);

- adenomatous polyps (structure – the homogeneous structure, the sizes reach 4 centimeters and more, is most oncological a dangerous type of polyps therefore after removal of polyps of a neck of uterus of this type careful postoperative observation and the corresponding medicamentous therapy is made).

Symptoms of polyps of a neck of uterus

Симптомы полипов шейки матки

Complaints to pain and any symptoms at polyps of a neck of uterus almost completely are absent. Manifestation of objective symptoms of a disease is closely connected with the accompanying inflammatory processes proceeding in generative organs.

Frequent satellites of polyps of a neck of uterus are the following diseases:

- erosion (or pseudo-erosion) necks of uterus;

- hysteromyoma;

- endometriosis;

- chronic endotsertsivit;

- dysfunction of ovaries.

Diagnosis of polyps of a neck of uterus

Diagnosis of a disease of polyps of a neck of uterus does not represent special complexity. As a rule, they come to light visually at the next gynecologic survey. For the most careful additional examination the gynecologist can appoint the procedure of a diagnostic scraping mucous the cervical channel (contents are sent for histologic examination), a tservikoskopiya, a kolposkopiya.

Treatment of polyps of a neck of uterus

In most cases for treatment of polyps of a neck of uterus surgical tactics – operational untwisting of a polyp from an inside layer of localization of a polyp, mucous with the subsequent cauterization of the place is chosen (most often - electric current). After removal of a polyp of a neck of uterus biological material is surely sent for histologic examination for a laboratory research on contents in it oncological cells.

The special case is represented by polyps of a neck of uterus at pregnancy, an operative measure is, as a rule, postponed for safer, puerperal period.

Treatment of polyps of a neck of uterus folk remedies most reasonably at an initial stage of a disease, uncomplicated associated diseases of generative organs. Phytotherapy is most often appointed. It is possible to recommend the following collecting herbs:

 Collecting No. 1.

Cowberry – 4 teaspoons

Dogrose – 6 teaspoons

Nettle gonochoristic – 6 teaspoons

Mix of dry herbs is filled in with 400 ml of abrupt boiled water and infuses (best of all in a thermos) about 3 hours. It is necessary to accept broth to food on a half of a glass, four times during the day.

 Collecting No. 2.

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Rosemary, yarrow, sage – on 2 tablespoons

Oak bark – 4 tablespoons

Mix is made in 2 liters of boiled water, about 20 minutes then allow it to cool down weary on weak fire and filtered. The received broth is applied to syringing.

It is necessary to remember that independent treatment of polyps of a neck of uterus folk remedies has to be performed with extra care and only under constant control of the treating gynecologist by all means.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.