The radiologist is a medical specialist who is engaged in diagnosing of various diseases by means of X-ray, and also implementation of new methods of treatment and studying of impact of X-ray on a human body.
In 1895 the scientist Wilhelm Roentgen opened the new radiation under the influence of which the photoplate began to darken and the picture about the image of bone structure and internals of the person was shown.
Late this radiation began to call x-ray and to use in medicine for diagnosis of various diseases. In the 20th century in Europe began to open x-ray clinics and offices, and also start of production of the specialized equipment was carried out.
Now X-ray equipments are considerably improved and allow the radiologist to conduct diagnostic testings with identification of internal damages, to define a condition of internals, and also injuries and changes of bone structures.
The radiologist works in the public and private institutions, including hospitals, policlinics, specialized clinics, the diagnostic centers and scientific institutes.
The radiologist is engaged in diagnosis of diseases, does a x-ray film and describes it. According to the conclusion of the radiologist the diagnosis of the patient is defined by the attending physician.
On a x-ray film the doctor can reveal injury of a bone and brain, to establish problems in functioning circulatory and cardiovascular systems, to define a disease of the alimentary system and other systems of a human body.
Radiodiagnosis allows to simplify considerably statement of the correct diagnosis and purpose of the corresponding treatment for patients.
The radiologist treats a profession of the increased danger connected with radiation. Now in offices of the radiologist began to use special radiation protection, but, nevertheless, it is constantly necessary to control background radiation and to avoid direct contact with the x-ray equipment.
The radiologist in the activity uses various methods of radiodiagnosis, including a X-ray analysis, a tomography and roentgenoscopy.
There are several types of a tomography – computer and magnetic and resonant. This type of diagnosis represents the latest direction in a radiology. Thanks to the tomograph certain parts of a body are scanned, processed on the computer and images on the digital carrier turn out.
The most effective is the positron emission tomography which allows to diagnose diseases even at the earliest stages and to reveal the centers of oncological diseases. This type of a tomography uses radioactive isotopes of the minimum harm, issues color images on which all chemical processes in an organism, and also pathological disturbances are shown.
The radiologist has to have the high level of professionalism and responsibility. This specialist has to be inclined to work, have good memory and ability to the analysis of the acquired information.
The conclusion of the radiologist has to be based on profound medical knowledge and physics of X-ray. This specialist needs to improve constantly the skills and to use the most effective methods of radiodiagnosis.
With an office the doctor is helped by the laboratory assistant, but the radiologist has to independently be able to manage medical the equipment and to know features of use of x-ray emission for a human body.
The radiologist carries out diagnosis, to conduct researches of lungs and a backbone, skeleton and teeth. This medical specialist has to have skills of work with the mammographer and photofluorograph.
Obligatory qualities of the radiologist is accuracy, ethics and responsiveness in relation to patients.
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