Application instruction:
Reserpinum – the drug from group of sympatholytics having hypotensive and sedative effect, strengthening effects of analgetics and hypnagogues.
Dosage form – tablets (on 50 pieces in packaging, on 1000 pieces in a container).
Active ingredient: Reserpinum – 0,1 or 0,25 mg in 1 tablet.
Also Reserpinum is applied sometimes in the following cases:
Reserpinum should be accepted inside after food.
Specific doses and duration of treatment are defined individually.
At early stages of arterial hypertension appoint 0,05-0,1 mg 2-3 times a day. Further if necessary (but on condition of good tolerance of drug) the dose is gradually raised. The maximum daily dose – 1 mg. If within 10-14 days of hypotensive effect it is not possible to achieve, drug is cancelled. After achievement of effect the daily dose is gradually reduced: at first to 0,5 mg, then – to 0,2 mg, further – to 0,1 mg. For a maintenance therapy appoint minimal effective doses. Treatment will move courses for 2-3 months to 4 times a year.
At neurosises Reserpinum is appointed in a dose from 0,25 mg 2-3 times a day to 0,5 mg by 3-4 times a day.
At mental diseases in the first day appoint 0,25-2 mg, further depending on a clinical situation raise a daily dose to 10-15 mg.
The maximum doses for adults: one-time – 2 mg, daily – 10 mg.
Drug is shown to children depending on age and indications in a daily dose of 0,1-0,4 mg in 2-4 receptions.
Because of a low performance and numerous side effects sympatholytics (Reserpinum including) carry to cure of the second row for arterial hypertension and psychoses.
During treatment it is necessary to control arterial pressure.
To store in cool, protected from light, the place, unavailable to children.
Period of validity – 3 years.
Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.
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Section: Articles about health