Diabetes mellitus – one of the most widespread diseases in the world. More often than a diabetes mellitus only cardiovascular and oncological pathologies are annually diagnosed. 3% of the population of the planet long for approximate calculations from a diabetes mellitus today. And according to forecasts of physicians in 15-20 years double increase in the people sick with a diabetes mellitus is expected.
The main reason of a diabetes mellitus – the disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism which happened in an organism. This phenomenon is caused by one of two factors: or the organism is not able to perceive insulin, or its quantity does not cover need of the person.
There are many versions about the diabetes mellitus reasons. One of them – a hereditary etiology of a disease. Family predisposition to pathology meets at the I type of a diabetes mellitus. It is provoked by a viral infection (flu, measles or a mumps), activating in an organism process of destruction of insulinobrazuyushchy cells.
The hereditary reason of a diabetes mellitus is possible also at the II type of a disease. But in this case the disease is caused by inborn immunity of body tissues to insulin. In a family with predisposition to a disease of the I type the diabetes mellitus occurs at 7-10% of relatives, and at the II type of a diabetes mellitus the probability to ache makes already 80-100%.
Among the reasons of a diabetes mellitus call also excess weight of the patient and a disease of a pancreas: malignant new growths of body or pancreatitis.
As the possible reason of a diabetes mellitus also the injury which damaged tissues of a pancreas and broke its functions can serve. Besides, carry a stress and advanced age of the patient to the reasons of a diabetes mellitus. The probability to ache increases twice with everyone lived decade.
Abuse of sweets as one of the possible reasons of a diabetes mellitus, physicians seriously is not considered, but exactly until hobby for sugar does not lead the person to obesity or diseases of a pancreas.
The I type of a diabetes mellitus as was already mentioned, develops as a result of destruction of insulinobrazuyushchy cells. This disease is characteristic of persons of young age.
One of the first symptoms of a diabetes mellitus of the I type is the speeded-up urination. So the human body tries to remove excess of glucose. The polyuria leads to intensive feeling of thirst and big consumption of liquid.
At the I type of a diabetes mellitus, the patient Ketoatsidoz as one of diabetes mellitus complications suffers because of the raised loads of kidneys, dehydration of an organism and accumulation of ketonic ph., can bring the patient to a state of a diabetic prekoma or a coma.
The II type of a diabetes mellitus meets considerably more often the I type of a disease. Patients with an excess weight treat risk group or 40 years are more senior.
At this type of a diabetes mellitus in a human body the normal amount of insulin is developed. But, despite it, blood of the patient contains the increased amount of glucose. At the II type of a diabetes mellitus the organism of the patient has small insulin resistance, i.e. a bad susceptibility to insulin influence.
Expressiveness of symptoms of a diabetes mellitus of the II type depends on degree of nonsensitivity of fabrics to insulin. On weight of a course of a disease it is accepted to allocate easy, average and heavy degree of the II type of a diabetes mellitus.
The pancreatic type of a diabetes mellitus develops because of defeats of tissues of pancreas at pancreatitis, tumors, and also as a result of effects of an unsuccessful operative measure, injuries or an alcohol abuse.
Among the main symptoms of a diabetes mellitus of both types call:
At an initial stage of a disease expressiveness of symptoms of a diabetes mellitus, as a rule, not considerable. Further, with progressing of a hyperglycemia, there is a probability of situations sharp increase in level of glucose in blood and development of the critical states demanding emergency medical service.
The diagnosis of a disease is established on the basis of classical symptoms of a diabetes mellitus and these laboratory tests. In diagnosis of a diabetes mellitus glucose level in the patient's blood is checked. In disputable cases carrying out loading tests with glucose is recommended.
According to norms at the healthy person glucose indicators in blood do not exceed 6,6 mmol/l on an empty stomach and 11,1 mmol/l after meal. Availability of sugar in the patient's urine – one more diagnostic symptom of a diabetes mellitus.
Treatment of a diabetes mellitus symptomatic. It includes a dietotherapy, medicamentous therapy and physiotherapy exercises. The main goal of treatment at a diabetes mellitus – to normalize exchange processes in an organism and to keep efficiency of the patient.
Diabetes mellitus of the II type call insulinonezavisimy. The major role in treatment of a diabetes mellitus of this look is played by a diet and exercise stresses for normalization of weight.
At initial stages of a disease it is possible to recover carbohydrate metabolism in an organism by means of weight loss. The recommended diet for patients with an excess weight – a minimum of digestible carbohydrates and high-calorific products, refusal of canned food, smoked products, fat meat, mayonnaise, sour cream, nuts, ice cream, jam, candies, etc.
Exercise stresses as one of auxiliary methods of treatment of a diabetes mellitus, help to reduce glucose level to blood, to increase production of insulin and sensitivity of fabrics to it.
At later stages of a disease in treatment of a diabetes mellitus of the II type the drugs increasing sensitivity of fabrics to insulin and oppressing function of intestines on glucose splitting are used: Guanyl guanidines, Tiazolidindiona, α-glikozidaza Inhibitors, etc.
In treatment of a diabetes mellitus of the I type insulin is applied. There are drugs of insulin of different duration of action: short, intermediate and long. Frequency of injections of the drug designed to replace function of a pancreas on production of own insulin depends on time of effect of the medicine.
Treatment of a diabetes mellitus of the I type insulin lifelong. And an important part of therapy of a disease is training of the patient in skills of control over glucose level in blood and to abilities to independently enter to itself insulin.
The scheme of treatment of a diabetes mellitus is formed individually for each patient taking into account his state, weight and age. Independent uncontrolled treatment of a diabetes mellitus insulin extremely hazardously to health.
As auxiliary methods to the main therapy of a disease well proved the following recipes of national treatment of a diabetes mellitus:
Also collecting roots of a glycyrrhiza, the leaves of bilberry and fruits of a juniper taken in equal quantities is widely used in national treatment of a diabetes mellitus.
Refer collecting bark of elder to effective methods of national treatment of a diabetes mellitus, Veronika, a shepherd's bag, a horsetail field the fruits of a Sophora, a hawthorn and a dogrose which is also taken in equal proportions.
All above-mentioned structures used in national treatment of a diabetes mellitus help to normalize carbohydrate metabolism in an organism and prevent emergence of nephrological and ophthalmologic complications of a disease.
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