Main > Medical terms> Atrophodermia


Atrophodermia (atrophodermia; and - – otritsa. Greek trophe – food + is frequent + derma – skin) – the general name of group of the syndromes and diseases which are characterized by a skin atrophy.


  • Atrophodermia neyrotichesky (atrophodermia neurotica; synonyms: the skin shining a pyoderma) – arises at diseases of the central or peripheral nervous system; it is characterized by emergence of sites of intense, brilliant skin, in certain cases with a dyschromia, and also trophic changes of nails and a hair loss;
  • Atrophodermia worm-shaped (atrophodermia vermicularis; synonyms: the atrophodermia of the person mesh, a folliculitis mesh cicatrizing erythematic, eels worm-shaped, an erythema the cicatrizing acne) – arises during puberty at girls; it is characterized by emergence on cheeks of a set of follicular small traffic jams, on site which there are scars that gives to skin of cheeks the mesh "izjedennost" reminding the tree surface struck with a wormhole.
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