Main > Medical terms> Blepharorrhaphy


Blepharorrhaphy (blepharorrhaphia; Greek blepharon – an eyelid + Greek rhaphe – a seam; synonym: a tarzorafiya) – surgery at which carry out temporary or constant, partial or full closure of a palpebral fissure; it is used at a neuroparalytic keratitis, a lagophthalmia and to that similar pathologies and also as a stage of operations of an optiko-tsiliarny nevrektomiya and an orbitotomy.


  • Blepharorrhaphy lateral (b. lateralis) – at which eyelids are sewed at an outside corner of an eye;
  • Blepharorrhaphy medial (b. medialis) – at which at an internal corner of an eye put vertical stitches on an eyelid.
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