Cod – the fish belonging to family sturgeon, living in the Atlantic Ocean.
Light meat of a cod is appreciated thanks to the juiciness, nutritiousness and low energy value – the caloric content of a cod makes 69 kcal. The cod does not concede to meat of animals on protein content and contains all necessary amino acids. Moreover, its meat is acquired better than meat of animals.
The advantage of a cod is high because fish contains a set of elements, necessary for a human body: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, biotin, sulfur, zinc and potassium, B12 and PP vitamins.
Extraordinary valuable product is cod liver which contains fatty acids an omega-3, carotene, vitamins A, B, C, D, folic acid, sodium, magnesium, copper and iron.
It is not necessary to speak about the drugs made on the basis of a liver or meat of a cod – fish is used by people as a food stuff. An exception make unless fish oil and diagnostic allergens.
The use of a cod thanks to the B12 vitamin which is contained in it allows to improve a krovoobrazovaniye, to normalize work of system of a blood coagulation.
Thanks to crash RR vitamin at regular inclusion in a diet development of many diseases of digestive tract allows to prevent it.
The advantage of a cod for the people suffering from an iodine deficiency is invaluably high. Besides, iodine – an important microelement for the growing organism therefore the cod shall be present at the child's diet.
The sulfur which is contained in fish helps to improve a condition of skin, hair and nails.
The potassium which is also found in meat of a cod stimulates work of a brain, regulates pressure and supports acid-base and liquid balance.
Low caloric content of a cod allows to use it to the people adhering to a diet. Important and the fact that fish easily is digested and is well acquired.
Fish oil which is produced from cod liver contains the vitamin A necessary for growth of an organism, and the vitamin D promoting formation of a bone tissue therefore it is used for prevention of rickets at children, at memory disturbances.
The advantage of cod liver consists in high content an omega-3 of the polyunsaturated fatty acids important for prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases of microelements. The use of cod liver allows to avoid emergence of atherosclerotic plaques on walls of vessels.
Doctors strongly recommend use of cod liver at musculoskeletal system diseases.
The advantage of cod liver consists also in the content of iron which is used for prevention of anemia, and the copper known for the antiinflammatory property. Cod liver is recommended to be included in a diet of children, elderly people, and it is desirable for pregnant women constantly in the recommended doses there is a cod liver, beginning already with the second trimester and to continue to use it during breastfeeding.
Besides, of course, this product is useful to healthy people of any age.
Meat of a cod is contraindicated to people with individual intolerance of a product. The liver of fish should be eaten with care with that who has hypotonia, a hyperthyroidism, zhelchekamenny, an urolithiasis.
Considering that the overdose of vitamin A can negatively affect fetation, it is not recommended to abuse fish to pregnant women. It is desirable to discuss day quantity of fish which future mother can use with the observing doctor.
It is noticed also that the use of a cod in a large number by children can lead to diseases of a nervous system and lag in development.
Not to do themselves harm, it is important not to eat cod liver on a hungry stomach as because of a huge amount of fats there can be problems with digestion and respect the rules of the use of a cod – no more than 10-15 grams of a liver daily, or it is no more than 100-150 grams in a week.
At the use of cod liver and the fish by the pregnant women feeding with women, children the polyvitamins taken by them have to undertake into account.
There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.
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