Main > Diseases> Vaginitis


Симптомы вагинита

The vaginitis is an inflammation of a vagina. The disease can be an infectious etiology, i.e. arise because of hit on a mucous membrane of a vagina of disease-producing bacteria, viruses or drozhzhevidny fungi.

More seldom the vaginita of a noninfectious origin provoked by an allergy or a burn meet. Similar reactions can cause chemicals in means for intimate use.

Quite often because of accord of names the vaginitis is confused to a vaginosis – bacterial dysbacteriosis of a vagina. It is one more form of a vaginitis of the noninfectious nature.

Vaginitis symptoms

The vaginitis is shown by specific vaginal allocations. A small amount of a secret without color and a smell is norm and does not belong to clinical symptoms of a vaginitis. And here if allocations became plentiful, got an unpleasant smell and began to cause irritation on skin – it the phenomenon can be one of vaginitis symptoms.

Other important symptom of a vaginitis – an itch in a vagina. It can cause strong discomfort during sexual intercourse. As a rule, the itch amplifies after an urination.

Types of a vaginitis

The greatest distribution was gained by 5 main types of a vaginitis of an infectious origin. Their classification is based on disease-producing factor type:

  • fungal vaginitis or candidiasis,
  • bacterial vaginitis,
  • virus vaginitis,
  • hlamidiozny vaginitis,
  • trikhomonozny vaginitis.

Symptoms of a vaginitis of each of above-mentioned types are quite similar. Therefore precisely it is possible to establish a cause of illness only after the analysis of vaginal crops.

Depending on the clinical course of a disease it is accepted to distinguish chronic and acute vaginit. At an acute vaginitis the most intensive manifestation of symptoms of a disease is observed. The feeling of an itch can be very strong, allocations have plentiful purulent or curdled character. At an acute vaginitis also difficulties with an urination, severe pain in the bottom of a stomach are possible.

Symptoms of a vaginitis of a chronic form more enduring, but less expressed. At a chronic vaginitis the itch can be absent, allocations not plentiful. However at each decrease in immunity caused by a disease, a stress, pregnancy a chronic vaginitis becomes aggravated.

Over time at women with a chronic vaginitis ulcerations on a vagina are formed. They can serve as the discomfort reason during sex and problems with an orgasm.

Diagnosis of a vaginitis

The diagnosis "vaginitis" is established on the basis of analyses of contents of vaginal swabbing. The microscopic, cultural and immunological structure is for this purpose studied it рН, and also. Extent of inflammatory reaction is determined by quantity of leukocytes.

That the analysis was reliable, the woman should not before a visit to the gynecologist have sex, be washed away or syringed.

Treatment of a vaginitis

Эффективное лечение вагинита эфирным маслом Розмарин

Treatment of a vaginitis of an infectious or noninfectious origin is always directed to correction of an ecosystem of a vagina. For removal of pathogenic microorganisms and settling of a vagina beneficial bacteria use antiinflammatory, antibacterial, vitamin drugs and eubiotik.

In topical treatment of a vaginitis derivatives of Metronidazole and Nitromidazol are often applied. They positively influence flora of a vagina and stimulate production of interferon. Topical treatment of a vaginitis happens to the help of vaginal candles. Drugs are used once in days before going to bed.

Treatment of a vaginitis is not carried out to periods time, and also only under strict control of the doctor and is very limited at pregnancy and a lactation. Use of candles on the basis of Metronidazole and Nitromidazola in the first trimester of pregnancy is especially dangerous.

Prevention of a vaginitis

Development of a vaginitis can prevent refusal of wearing synthetic underwear and close trousers. Women with a chronic vaginitis in order to avoid an exacerbation of a disease are recommended to eat more dairy products with live bacteria and to apply special means to intimate hygiene with lactic acid.

To prevent development of the acute vaginitis caused sexually by trichomonads or chlamydias it is important to use barrier ways of contraception also always.

Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.