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Exit from starvation

Выход из голодания - обратный голоданию процессStarvation – one of techniques of alternative medicine based on voluntary full (absolute starvation) or partial (relative starvation) refusal of food and water for start of processes of clarification and removal of slags and toxins from an organism.

Exit from starvation – process, the return to starvation, allowing to recover normal functioning of all systems of an organism without risk for health. At starvation the organism passes to internal reserves while at an exit from starvation there is the return process of reorganization of systems of an organism on external power supplies.

Exit from starvation: basic principles of food

About advantage of starvation fierce disputes are still conducted. Actually, starvation is an exhaustion of an organism, dysfunction of a GIT which is the most severe biological and psychological stress for an organism. Many nutritionists recommend to treat starvation with extra care. There is an opinion that unloading and dietary therapy which starvation is can be applied only under rigid medical control in the conditions of a hospital. The same doctors who approve starvation as they an alternative technique of improvement of an organism, emphasize that before beginning a diet, the person has to be well informed on all possible effects of starvation, on the correct exit from starvation.

The hungry diet – a radical method of clarification of an organism, its main objective is not weight reduction. Pay to an exit from starvation much smaller attention, believing that this process is not so important.

Exit from starvation plays an important role during reorganization of an organism. Before beginning starvation, it is necessary to address the experienced nutritionist for passing of inspections and an exception of states at which such diet is contraindicated, and also selection of the most optimum mode.

There is a number of rules of an exit from starvation which will help to reduce a biological stress for an organism, and also it is correct to recover activity of a GIT:

  • Observance of fractional food;
  • Gradual accumulation of nutritious potential of a diet;
  • Exception of fats, salts, spices, heavy food;
  • Exit term from starvation has to be same, as well as the term of the starvation.

Today there is a set of the confirmed effective techniques of an exit from a diet, it is possible to choose one of them.

The correct exit from starvation will allow to recover gradually broken functions of an organism in the natural way.

As it is correct to leave starvation without harm for an organism

One of effective methods as it is correct to leave starvation, without having done much harm to an organism, observance of a certain diet is. There are several options of the diets of an exit from starvation providing the menu for so many days how many abstention from food lasted. So, more than 10 days do not recommend to keep to a hungry diet. One of the most popular types of starvation is the diet of 4-5 days. Respectively, an exit from a diet has to last as much.

In order that it is correct to estimate exit duration from a diet, it is necessary to consider:

  • Starvation type (relative, absolute);
  • Duration of observance of a hungry diet;
  • Condition of an organism and its reaction to the mode.

During starvation all digestive tract significantly decreases in sizes. It is recommended to begin an exit of their starvation with digestible food in small amounts. It is necessary for normal "start" of a stomach:

  • Day to eat freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice. For the first receptions juice needs to be diluted with boiled water for reduction of load of intestines. Then it is possible to drink whole juice.
  • In the first day of an exit from a diet food has to be fractional. The optimum interval between meals makes 3 hours.
  • The diet of the first day of an exit from a hungry diet assumes the use only of vegetables in the crushed look (carrots, cabbage). The subsequent meals of the first day assume the boiled or baked vegetables.
  • The second day assumes the use of the liquid oat and buckwheat cereal made by steaming by water without addition of salt, spices, fats. Also oat kissel, fresh fruit and vegetables in the crushed look is recommended. It is not recommended to use oil creamy and vegetable.
  • The third day of an exit from starvation assumes vegetable oil, stale bread, honey in insignificant quantities. Fermented milk products are allowed.
  • The fourth day assumes return to a normal food allowance.

Observing the menu as it is correct to leave starvation, it is necessary to watch reaction of an organism attentively. At emergence of uncharacteristic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, a loss of consciousness, a stomach ache) it is necessary to see a doctor.

How to leave starvation: categorically prohibited methods

Many people, observing starvation, do not know elementary rules how to leave starvation that involves GIT dysfunction, an intestinal dysbiosis.

The main mistakes made at an exit from starvation are:

  • Sharp return to a usual food allowance;
  • The use of fermented milk products in the first meals upon completion of starvation;
  • The use of rigid food in the first days.

Non-compliance with rules how to leave starvation, involves development of the following complications:

  • Ischuria, emergence of hypostases;
  • Development of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Locks, meteorism, swelling, impassability of intestines;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.Свежевыжатые соки - рацион первого дня выхода из голодания

All these symptoms demand medical correction, at their emergence it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

Starvation: responses, recommendations, indications

Today starvation, reviews of which can be found in the Internet, is one of the most hazardous to health of the person of diets. It is necessary to keep to such diet only having been sure completely of lack of contraindications to starvation. So, the main contraindications are:

  • Pregnancy, pregnancy planning, breastfeeding period;
  • Deficit of body weight (IMT less than 18);
  • Various diseases;
  • Mental disorders;
  • The weakened immunity after the postponed diseases.

Before starting clarification of an organism in such a way, it is necessary to study everything about starvation: responses of the people observing the similar mode, recommendations of doctors. For the favorable result of starvation also the correct psychological spirit is important. According to reviews of starvation, during this period it is necessary to get support of close people.

By preparation for an exit from starvation it is necessary to take care of existence of all necessary products. The people who tried starvation do not recommend to adhere to a diet in an operating schedule.

At starvation responses often mention development of the following accompanying symptoms:

  • Breakdown;
  • Disability;
  • Dizziness;
  • Depression.

The wrong observance of starvation can provoke disturbance of functioning of many systems of an organism (a hormonal background, digestion, functions of a liver and kidneys, disturbances of mentality).

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