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13 week of pregnancy

On the 13th week of pregnancy to a fruit 11 weeks from the moment of conception are executed. To it already full 3 calendar months, also this beginning of the 4th lunar month.Размер плода на 13 неделе беременности - 7 см

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 13th week of pregnancy reaches 7 cm, and it weighs about 23 g. His body is gradually extended in length, and the ratio a head/trunk gradually decreases therefore the head looks not such big any more.

Many changes on this term happen in a digestive tract of a fruit. At future kid rudiments of all milk teeth which are located deeply in gingivas so far are completely created and will be cut through only after 5-6 months of life. Very seldom lower cutters begin to grow vnutriutrobno, and the child is born already with teeth.

On a mucous membrane of intestines fibers which will participate in digestion of food form. The fruit makes the deglutitory movements – it swallows amniotic waters, and in a digestive tract there is a training digestion. The processed remains do not leave intestines, and collect in it in the form of meconium – first-born a calla. In a pancreas insulin – hormone which regulates exchange of carbohydrates is actively produced.

From 13th week of pregnancy at future boys the prostate gland is stuffed up, and in ovaries at future girls all ova (about 2 million) which will ripen after the birth are created.

The movements of a fruit on the 13th week of pregnancy active and not such chaotic, as before. It can be noticed on ultrasonography in 13 weeks of pregnancy. The kid feels parts of the body, an umbilical cord, builds grimaces and stretches. He does not see yet – eyes are covered for centuries, but already reacts to light. Mimic muscles are still created in such a way that the kid only frowns and "becomes angry". The muscles creating an involuntary smile are still underdeveloped.

In skin of a fruit tangoreceptors were formed thanks to what he feels touches and pressure. Future child from 13 weeks of pregnancy reacts to change of position of mother, and itself several times a day changes the pose in a uterus. Sweat glands in skin, and on the head – the first hair were created.

On this term heart of a fruit is already concluded in a thorax, in front protected by a cartilaginous basis of a breast, rudiments of edges appeared. The kid will shortly try to make the training respiratory movements.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 13th week of pregnancy

The waistline smoothes out, and the stomach on the 13th week of pregnancy at the woman gradually increases in sizes. Because of it she cannot wear any more former skirts or the fitting dresses which become close.

The most favorable time begins – mother and her future child already well adapted to each other. The pregnant woman has a good health, and the uterus and a fruit are not so big that it was heavy to woman to go. Because of some features of an arrangement of a uterus there can sometimes be nagging pains on the 13th week of pregnancy in the field of inguinal folds. It occurs because round ligaments of a uterus stretch. In that case the dorodovy bandage can become rescue, also doctors recommend to the woman not to strain and to have a rest regularly.

It is normal of allocation on the 13th week of pregnancy from a genital tract transparent or whitish, is more plentiful, than were before pregnancy. They cannot be confused with the milkwoman at whom the consistence of allocations reminds curds, and they are accompanied by burning and an itch.Вес ребенка на 13 неделе беременности - 23 г

Because of hormonal reorganization and features of a structure of connecting fabric on a breast or a stomach of the woman extensions in the form of whitish or dark pink radial strips can appear.

Inspection on the 13th week of pregnancy

Any special researches on this term are not required. Ultrasonography in 13 weeks of pregnancy is appointed only if the doctor sees in it need, and also that who was not in time on the first ultrasonography.

Regular control of the analysis of urine allows to reveal signs of a gestosis or pyelonephritis on early terms.

By this time the woman has to be examined by specialists:

  • Oculist;
  • Therapist;
  • Gynecologist.

According to indications sometimes appoint consultation of the cardiologist or endocrinologist.

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.