Application instruction:
Aknekutan – means from eels; oppresses activity and proliferation of sebaceous glands and promotes reduction of their sizes, suppressing bacterial colonization of a channel, recovering normal process of a differentiation of cells, stimulating regeneration, having antiinflammatory effect on skin.
Dosage form – gelatinous solid capsules: 8 mg – the size No. 3, brown color, 16 mg – the size No. 1, a lid green and the case of white color; contents of capsules – orange-yellow waxy paste (on 10 pieces in the blister, in a cardboard pack of 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 or 10 blisters; on 14 pieces in the blister, in a cardboard pack on 1, 2, 4 or 7 blisters).
Aknekutan contains in 1 capsule:
Emergence of pregnancy during use or within the first month after end of a course of therapy poses potential threat of heavy malformations at the newborn.
To women of childbearing age therapy by Aknekutan is allowed only in at the expressed form of the acne which is not giving in to usual methods of treatment. At the same time the woman has to:
It is necessary to use contraceptives according to the above-stated recommendations during therapy izotretinoiny even to women who usually do not apply contraception because of an amenorrhea, infertility (an exception – the patients who transferred a hysterectomy) or reporting that they have no sex.
With care Aknekutan sick with a diabetes mellitus, obesity, disturbance of lipidic exchange is recommended to appoint, at a depression in the anamnesis, alcoholism.
Capsules accept orally 1-2 times a day, it is preferable during food.
The doctor appoints a drug dose individually, considering a therapeutic effectiveness and existence of side effects at the patient.
The recommended dosing: an initial dose – from calculation for 0,4 mg on 1 kg of weight of the patient a day, if necessary appointment on 0,8 mg to 1 kg a day is possible. For treatment of an acne of a trunk or severe forms of a disease the dose can make 2 mg on 1 kg a day.
Optimum cumulative dose on a course of therapy of 100-120 mg on 1 kg of weight. Achievement of full remission usually requires 4-6 months.
Patients with bad portability of Aknekutan can lower the recommended daily dose, having prolonged the therapy period.
Usually acne rash completely disappears after one course of treatment.
In case of a recurrence it is possible to appoint a repeated course not earlier, than in 2 months after the end of treatment as symptoms of improvement can be a little delayed. The second year is conducted in an initial daily and cumulative dose.
Patients with the expressed chronic renal failure should reduce an initial dose to 8 mg a day.
The symptoms connected with A hypervitaminosis: dryness of mucous membranes of a throat and throat (hoarseness of a voice), lips (cheilitis), eye (reversible opacification of a cornea, conjunctivitis, intolerance of contact lenses), nasal cavity (bleeding), skin.
Embriotoksichesky and teratogenic action of Aknekutan: inborn uglinesses – hydrocephaly, a nanocephalia, a microphthalmia, an underdevelopment of cranial nerves, malformations of epithelial bodies and cardiovascular system, disturbance of formation of a skeleton (an underdevelopment of a skull, manual phalanxes, cervical vertebrae, anklebones, a femur, forearm bones, a wolf mouth, a facial skull), an underdevelopment and/or a low arrangement of auricles, total absence or an underdevelopment of outside acoustical pass, hernia back and a brain, an union of toes and hands, bone unions, disturbances of development of a thymus, death of a fruit during the perinatal period, an abortion, premature birth, early closing of epiphyseal regions of growth, in experiments on animals – a pheochromocytoma.
Purpose of drug to each patient has to be carried out after careful preliminary estimate of a ratio of estimated advantage and potential risk.
Drug is not shown for treatment of acne rash of the period of puberty.
Aknekutan's use demands carrying out regular control of function of a liver and liver enzymes before treatment, after one month of therapy, further every 3 month. At exceeding of norm of level of hepatic transaminases it is necessary to lower a dose of drug or to stop reception.
Besides, prior to treatment at the patient it is necessary to determine the level of lipids in blood serum, then, after one month of use, and every 3 month or by indications. Usually the maintenance of lipids is normalized a dose decline, observance of a diet or drug withdrawal.
As increase in level of triglycerides over 9 mmol/l or 800 mg/dl can cause development of acute pancreatitis, including with a lethal outcome, the patient needs to control their contents. In case of a steady gipertriglitseridemiya or emergence of symptoms of pancreatitis use of drug should be stopped.
Because of risk of emergence of psychotic symptomatology, a depression, suicide attempts with extra care it is recommended to appoint drug at a depression in the anamnesis and to control emergence of symptoms of a depression in all patients.
The exacerbation of an acne which arose at the beginning of therapy without dose adjustment passes within 7-10 days.
At the beginning of therapy for reduction of a xeroderma it is recommended to use the moisturizing cream or body ointment, lip balm.
As effect of drug can cause decrease in sharpness of a scotopia (sometimes remaining and after the end of reception), the doctor has to inform the patient on a possibility of such state, recommend to it when driving the car at night to be careful. Dryness of a conjunctiva can cause development of a keratitis therefore for moistening of a mucous membrane of eyes it is recommended to use the drugs of an artificial tear moisturizing oculentums. At an aggravation of symptoms of visual acuity it is necessary to address the ophthalmologist.
It is necessary to avoid ultra-violet therapy and influence of direct sunshine, it is recommended to use cream with high value of a sun-protection factor (15 SPF and more).
At emergence of an inflammatory disease of intestines it is necessary to see a doctor. In case of the expressed hemorrhagic diarrhea administration of drug needs to be stopped immediately.
Because of risk of the strengthened scarring, emergence hypo - and hyperpegmentations, treatment by the laser and carrying out a deep chemical dermoabraziya both during Aknekutan's reception, and within 5-6 months after the end of therapy is contraindicated to patients.
There is a risk of amotio of epidermis, emergence of dermatitis and hems when carrying out an epilation by means of wax applications. Procedures cannot be carried out during therapy and for six months after drug withdrawal.
Heavy allergic reactions are the basis for immediate cancellation of capsules.
Patients with obesity, a diabetes mellitus, an alcoholism, disturbance of a lipometabolism need more frequent carrying out laboratory control of level of lipids and glucose.
It is impossible to make blood sampling at potential donors during therapy izotretinoiny, and also within 1 month after completion of treatment.
During Aknekutan's use by the patient it is necessary to be careful at control of vehicles and work with difficult mechanisms.
Before simultaneous use of Aknekutan with other medicines it is necessary to consult with the attending physician to avoid development of side effects.
To store in the protected from light, dry place at a temperature up to 25 °C. To protect from children.
Period of validity – 2 years.
Name of drug
Aknekutan капс. 8 mg No. 30, Jadran/SMB Technology S.A.
1431 rub.
Aknekutan капс 16 mg No. 30, Jadran/SMB Technology S.A.
2985 rub.
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