The angiography is a X-ray inspection of vessels.
This method differs from an ordinary research in the fact that enter a contrast agent into blood vessels – organic compound of iodine without which on the roentgenogram vessels will not be visible. Carry out an angiography after all-clinical inspection of the patient when by means of other method of a research to establish the diagnosis it was not possible. By means of an angiography of vessels it is possible to reveal defects in their development and damages (narrowings, aneurisms, a malformation), passability disturbance, and also defects and injuries of various internals, malignant and high-quality educations.
Depending on an objective allocate a brain angiography, arteriography, a venografiya, a heart angiography, a limfografiya, a fluorescent angiography.
The research of vessels of a brain is called a cerebral angiography – after introduction of contrast for a short period do several angiograms displaying venous, arterial, capillary phases of blood circulation. The angiography of a brain can be direct and indirect. Allocate a carotid and vertebralny direct cerebral angiography. Most often use a carotid method of a research – enter contrast into a neck, into a carotid artery. The Vertebralny angiography of a brain differs in the fact that compound of iodine is entered into a vertebral artery. At an indirect cerebral angiography approach a carotid or vertebral artery through other large vessel, for example through an artery on a hip: enter a long catheter and force contrast.
Arteriography - the diagnostic method of arteries allowing to reveal the new growths which were located near blood vessels, obstruction and narrowing of a gleam of arteries, various disturbances of a blood-groove.
Venografiya is appointed at diseases of veins on hands and legs. The research allows to see deeply located and superficial veins, their extent and localization in a picture, to diagnose thrombosis or a varicosity. In some cases the venografiya is appointed for assessment of pathologies of a heart rhythm, definition of heart failure.
More detailed information on a heart disease is given by a heart angiography – a research by means of which study cameras of heart and an artery. Carry out a heart angiography in the medical and diagnostic purposes. With its help it is possible to reveal various pathologies of vessels (thrombosis, narrowing or expansion, obstruction), to estimate blood pressure in heart and a pulmonary artery, sokratitelny ability of a myocardium.
Limfografiya is carried out for studying of a limfosistema and is appointed at malignant tumors of a uterus, ovaries. By means of this research it is possible to estimate degree of a disease and efficiency of the carried-out chemotherapy or operation on removal of lymph nodes.
The fluorescent angiography is a method of a research of eye vessels and an eyeground at inflammations and dystrophic processes in a choroid and a retina, at a hypertension, a diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma. Besides by means of a fluorescent angiography study a boulevard conjunctiva and an iris at various diseases. As contrast use sodium salt of a flyuorestsein – 10% solution. Enter contrast into a vein on an elbow – 3-5ml, but before it reveal as it is transferred by the patient.
It is impossible to carry out an angiography of vessels at acute infections and inflammatory diseases, in serious conditions, at mental diseases, serious renal, liver and heart failure, at an allergy to iodine.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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Section: Articles about health