Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:3 or 7 days |
2,5 of 5 Effective diet suitable for a summer heat. Allows not only lose weight, but also to bring toxins out of an organism. Water-melon fasting days will be suitable for those it is difficult to whom to keep to diets. |
Recommended частота:раз in a month | |
Speed of loss of weight:![]() |
Safety:![]() |
Variety of products:![]() |
Probably, there will be no people who would not love a water-melon and even if those and are, then they only the exception confirming the rule – a water-melon the general favourite. Considering its pleasant fresh taste, perfectly I am eager to satisfy not importunate, but pronounced sweet and ability during a heat, there is no wonder. In hot season appetite naturally decreases, and sometimes except a water-melon and there is no wish for it. Perhaps, it pushed someone on creation of the water-melon diet which won the mass of admirers once. It is unknown who was this person, but does not raise doubts the fact that many people are grateful to it for the idea.
The essence of a water-melon diet is very simple – a key product in it is the water-melon. This diet has three modifications, in two of them the water-melon is as well the only product, and in the third the list of the products allowed for the use is expanded to two: also reception of bread is allowed.
The water-melon diet has a feature – she is easier had to hot season therefore August heat is ideal time for its carrying out. However, at this particular time water-melons are safest on the content of nitrates and are available at the price.
The water-melon diet is calculated for a period of 3 up to 7 days, loss of weight on it makes about 400-500 g a day.
The main advantage of a water-melon diet is its safety, and in most cases and considerable advantage for health (on condition of observance of rules and restrictions), simplicity, low cost and, of course, high performance. Caloric content of a water-melon is low, it is rich with water therefore even if is it to satiety, without limiting itself, it will hardly be possible to be beyond 1500-1800 kcal a day. At the same time thanks to the high content of fructose, the water-melon diet has no one of frequent side effects of the majority of low-calorie diets – on it there is no slackness and a headache.
The water-melon promotes removal from an organism of slags and toxins therefore the water-melon diet is recommended to people, a long time eating incorrectly. Easily being digested, the water-melon gives rest to the alimentary system, at the same time, supporting an intestines peristaltics, that is why the water-melon diet is recommended to those who is inclined to locks.
Ideal time for a water-melon diet – the period since the end of July to the middle of September.
Well and, of course, it is necessary to refer its tastes to undoubted advantages of a water-melon diet. It is easy to adhere to a diet when it is pleasant, whatever you may say, and a sweet and fragrant water-melon at all not the same as sad porridge on water without salt and sugar.
As well as the majority of diets, water-melon, despite the impressive list of useful properties, it is not deprived of shortcomings.
One of the main is need to change the usual way of life. The water-melon eaten in a large number promotes considerable increase of an urination therefore to combine a water-melon diet with work outdoors it will not turn out.
One more essential lack of a water-melon diet is its low caloric content. And though this property helps to lose quickly weight, it promotes a bystry set of weight after end of a diet. That it did not happen, it is necessary to leave a water-melon diet in due form – an exit has to last at least as much how many a diet. In other words, if you stayed on a water-melon diet three days, then three next days you have to limit seriously the diet, increasing it gradually.
Well and main thing: the water-melon, though contains many useful substances, of course, necessary for the person does not contain all in the necessary quantity. The water-melon diet even in its expanded option (with bread) is carried to monodiets, with the main shortcoming inherent in this group of diets – nutritious inferiority. Therefore to adhere to it the long time without prejudice to health will not turn out.
The water-melon diet is contraindicated at the following states:
The water-melon diet is very simple, on it it is allowed to eat a water-melon, and anything else. If in this option the diet is too hard transferred, but to refuse it is undesirable, admissible to expand a diet with a small amount of bread.
During a water-melon diet it is possible to drink clear water without restrictions if there is such requirement.
Except the listed above products, nothing else can be eaten. The water-melon diet is a monodiet, in its basis one product.
First option of a water-melon diet:
It is very simple option – the water-melon can be eaten in unlimited number how many and when there is a wish. The only restriction concerns time: you should not eat a water-melon later, than in 3 hours prior to a dream as it is possible to spoil a dream continuous jogs in a toilet.
Second option of a water-melon diet:
In this option it is necessary to divide the weight on 10, the turned-out figure – the number of kilograms of a water-melon which should be eaten in a day (not only the weight of pulp, but also a crust in this case is taken into consideration). This quantity is recommended to be divided into 5-6 receptions, the interval between receptions of a water-melon has to make about 3 hours.
Third option of a water-melon diet:
In the part concerning a water-melon completely repeats the previous option, but the dried bread is added to a key product. It is desirable to use bread wholegrain, rye or otrubny, with each reception of a water-melon it is allowed to eat one small piece of bread weighing about 30 g.
Water-melon fasting days are very effective, in the absence of contraindications it is possible to spend them two times a week. If to do it it is regular, there will be a smooth and regular weight reduction without any negative effects for health. The plumb in a month in this case will make from 3 to 5 kg.
Council 1: ideal time for a water-melon diet – the period since the end of July to the middle of September.
Council 2: it is not necessary to eat a water-melon before going to bed.
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