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Badger fat

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 46 rub.

Барсучий жирBadger fat – drug on a natural basis, a wide range of use.

Pharmacological action

Treatment by badger fat effectively thanks to its unique natural structure.

It contains fatty polyunsaturated acids – linolenic and linoleic, irreplaceable for cardiac performance and vessels, olein – preventing development of cancer cells; the vitamin A stimulating growth of hair, nails, skin which is slowing down development of cancer; vitamins from group B which regulate exchange processes support a hormonal background, well influence reproductive function of women.

It is noticed that fat promotes increase in hemoglobin, improvement of immunity, activation of work of a GIT, improvement of a potentiality.

Reviews of badger fat indicate that this means eliminates cough, possesses antiinflammatory and bactericidal action, and is effective at internal and outside use.

Release form

Badger fat can be used in pure form, it is possible to buy the processed fat in capsules.

Indications to use

In the instruction of badger fat it is specified that it is possible to apply it at tuberculosis, an inflammation, blackout in lungs, bronchitis chronic, including the caused long smoking, cold (ORZ, pharyngitis, a SARS, laryngitis, etc.), the general exhaustion, a silicosis, asthma, a GIT ulcer, atherosclerosis, low hemoglobin, at deterioration in intestinal function, a potentiality.

External use of badger fat is shown at burns, stings, trophic not healing ulcers, wounds, including fire, at eczema, psoriasis, herpes, bruises, hematomas.

Badger fat at baldness helps, it can be used for care of the withering skin.

Route of administration

Pharmaceutical badger fat, in gelatin capsules accept inside. Adults can accept 6 capsules three р / day during food. Treatment lasts 1-2 months, carry out it 2-3 р / year.

Practice external use of badger fat in pediatrics – pound a breast, a back and the child's feet at cough or cold, or mix fat with milk warm or honey and allow to drink – an effective remedy against dry cough. Its proportions: three parts of fat on one part of honey or milk. Give it to the child three р / day on 1y a teaspoon, to food during 2kh weeks.

Adults in pure form can accept fat on a tablespoon in days, washing down with tea, milk or broth of a dogrose, also for two weeks. For the third week it is necessary to accept means two р / days in the morning and on night.

At tuberculosis, judging by responses badger fat helps with structure of such means: mix fat (100 g), polyflorous honey (100 g), aloe juice (50 g) and accept on 1y to a tablespoon 3r/put to food – in 30-40 min.

The means prepared according to this recipe can be alternated to it: 10 lemons in a peel crush, mix with 0,5l cognac, 1 l of honey, 1 l of fat of a badger, fill in with this mix 10 of the whole fresh, it is better than some home-made eggs. All this is drawn by 4-5 days then eggs break, still time is mixed, pound a shell and accept three р / day on 1/3 glasses.

At lung cancer such mix helps with an initial stage: take all components on 0,5l - cognac, juice of an aloe, fat, honey polyflorous, all mix and drink on 1y to a tablespoon in 30 min. prior to food, three р / day.

For improvement of immunity mix fat with walnuts, raisin, dried apricots, flower honey (all components take 100 g), accept three р / day on a tablespoon. Children to 12 l are given on a teaspoon 2-3 р / day.

Well treatment by badger fat after an antibioticotherapia, operation, a serious illness recovers forces: mix cocoa powder, aloe leaves, mountain honey, fat badger (all on 100 g), 50 g of butter, on 1 g of propolis bee and extract of a mummy, 1 teaspoon of medical alcohol. All components mix, accept on 1y to a tablespoon in two hours prior to food 2-3 р / day, mixing with a glass of hot milk.

This mix can be applied and for grindings, only to part not with milk, but vodka, 1:1.Барсучий жир в капсулах

Burns and wounds before putting fat wash out hydrogen peroxide then grease and do not spread over a wound. Two carry out processing р / day. Treatment lasts week.

Side effects

After use of badger fat diarrhea, vomiting can begin. In order to avoid development of similar side effects fat needs to be stored in the cool and dry place. Pharmaceutical capsules, judging by reviews of badger fat, practical do not cause unpleasant feelings and side effects, they have no characteristic specific smell and taste of badger fat.

That there was no poisoning, it is necessary to be able to choose fat correctly: at a qualitative and fresh product white, slightly yellowish color, at spoiled – the expressed yellowness, an unpleasant acid smell or a smell decayed, taste of rancid oil.


Badger fat according to the instruction is not appointed if the exacerbation of diseases of a liver, bile-excreting channels began, at diseases of a gall bladder, pancreas if the intolerance of means is found, during pregnancy, feeding by a breast. Fat use of a badger for treatment of newborns is contraindicated. Children to 5 l can only be pounded fat, inside it is impossible to give.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Barsukor balm-cream massage badger fat for children of 50 ml, Dean + Ltd company

46 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

balm badger fat Sustamed balm badger fat 75G

73 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Sustamed badger fat of the capsule of 120 pieces

121 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Badger fat капс No. 120, Fitosila of Ltd company

144 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Badger fat 100 of ml, Fitosila of Ltd company

173 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Barsukor badger fat капс No. 100, Bagira of Ltd company

209 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Barsukor badger fat 100 of ml, Bagira of Ltd company

222 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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