Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:20 days |
3 of 5 The principle of a diet in restriction of carbohydrates in a diet and alternation of fasting, proteinaceous and fruit and vegetable days. Such alternation allows to avoid monotony. |
Recommended частота:раз in half a year | |
Speed of loss of weight: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
The name of the Proteinaceous and vegetable diet speaks for itself – it consists in the use of vegetables and fruit with proteinaceous products.
Abuse of the sweet and flour products containing a large amount of carbohydrates is the most frequent reason of emergence of excess weight. Carbohydrates – the main source of energy for an organism, proteins – construction material, and fat – reserved energy for the future. If intake of carbohydrates is reduced, the organism for development of energy begins to spend fatty stocks actively. It is one of the principles of the Proteinaceous and vegetable diet. The second principle – the separate use of proteins and carbohydrates that also activates metabolism, promoting reduction of weight.
Duration of a diet makes 20 days.
Rules of the Proteinaceous and vegetable diet:
In 20 days of the Proteinaceous and vegetable diet it is possible to get rid of 5-8 kg of excess weight.
The habit to eat fractionally is developed. The healthy diet with high content of fresh vegetables and fruit promotes improvement of an organism.
The diet well influences a diet skin, promoting its clarification, pulling up, complexion improvement.
The list of the resolved products allows to make quite various menu, and it reduces risk of failure.
In fasting days because of excessively limited diet the health can decrease considerably.
If at once upon termination of a diet to return to the usual menu, there can be rapid enrollment of weight therefore an exit has to be smooth.
Contraindications to the Proteinaceous and vegetable diet are diseases of the alimentary system, kidneys, endocrine frustration.
People with chronic diseases before a diet should consult with the attending physician.
All products which did not enter the list resolved, including salt and sugar are prohibited.
Menu of fasting days:
During the day |
On 250 ml of kefir 4 times a day. |
In the evening |
200 ml of tomato juice, small piece of bread. |
Example of the menu of proteinaceous day:
Breakfast |
2 boiled eggs, cucumber, black coffee. |
Lunch |
200 ml of chicken broth, 100 g of chicken, portion of stewed vegetables. |
Afternoon snack |
Green tea, cheese piece. |
Dinner |
Fresh vegetables sheep cheese salad, 200 ml of kefir. |
Example of the menu of fruit and vegetable day:
Breakfast |
2 pears or ½ small melons. |
Lunch |
Vegetable soup, fresh vegetables salad, bread piece, berry fruit drink. |
Afternoon snack |
Any fresh vegetables, green tea. |
Dinner |
Fresh vegetables salad, bread slice, green tea. |
Council 1: In any days, except unloading, it is possible to eat 1-2 teaspoons of natural honey.
Council 2: The best time for carrying out a diet is the aestivo-autumnal period when there is a wide choice of vegetables and fruit, and they contain most of all useful substances.
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