Main > Drugs> Bengey


Bengey – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in the form of cream of local irritant action which part derivatives of salicylic acid are. Bengey also call sports balm as its action adapts muscular tissue to loadings, interfering with development of pain owing to the raised exercise stress, and also effectively kills a joint pain.

Drug pharmacokinetics

Бенгей также называют спортивным бальзамомThe main active agent at the heart of drug Bengey – methyl salicylate which is antiinflammatory, soothing substance and promotes reduction of a tone of muscle fibers. Active component of drug allows to apply it not only at mialgiya (a pain syndrome of muscular tissue), but also to stopping of pain at injuries of soft tissues and joints, stretchings, inflammatory processes of muscular tissue, constraint of joints. Methyl salicylate as a part of Bengy ointment improves microcirculation, recovers permeability of vessels, reduces puffiness of the inflamed fabrics. Bengey is effectively applied to treatment of the joints affected with arthritis.

When putting Bengy ointment on the inflamed site drug completely is absorbed through skin, quickly gets into the inflammation center, having anesthetic effect.

Menthol as a part of Bengy cream has the warming effect, helps to remove an inflammation. Topical administration of drug Bengey promotes vasodilatation with development of the gradual cooling which is replaced by easy burning. Menthol as a part of ointment renders also analgeziruyushchy effect.

Drug promotes bystry removal from muscular tissue of the irritating decomposition products (lactic acid).

Use of Bengy ointment promotes:

  • To reduction of inflammatory processes in muscular tissue of various etiology;
  • To increase in endurance at exercise stresses (before a training, hard physical activity);
  • Interferes with emergence of a pain syndrome (delayed onset muscle soreness, downtroddenness of muscle fibers the toxins produced at exercise stresses) or facilitates its current.

Application instruction of ointment

Drug Bengey to whom instruction defines admissible dosages and duration of treatment is intended for external use. Drug can be used as at clinical manifestations of inflammatory processes in muscles (pain, constraint of movements, puffiness of fabrics), and in the preventive purposes for preventing to development of inflammatory process.

For preventive effect cream Bengey is applied with a thin layer on areas, the most subject to exercise stresses (knee joints, lumbar department, gastrocnemius muscles and other). Drug use Bengey with the preventive purpose absolutely safely as at the correct use of drug concentration of its active components does not reach critical indicators in an organism, capable to cause damage to health.

For achievement of therapeutic effect cream Bengey is applied on the damaged sites of skin with a thin layer (2-4g for one use) every 3-4 hour depending on dynamics of a pain syndrome. The instruction does not recommend to apply with the therapeutic purpose of drug Bengey more than 10 days. If during this period positive dynamics and simplification of symptomatology is not observed, then use of ointment it is necessary to cancel and ask for the qualified help the doctor.

Rules of use of drug provide:

  • Putting drug outwardly on the inflamed site on condition of integrity of integuments. If the site of skin is damaged, drug use Bengey is not recommended;
  • Drug Bengey is not used on mucous membranes;
  • Bengey ointment is not applied together with other means of local irritant action. Bengey causes an easy hyperemia, strengthens microcirculation in hypodermic fabrics, and the combination with other drugs of similar action leads to strengthening of absorption of components of drug in blood and to increase in concentration of substances. Quite often the combination of drugs causes skin allergic reactions.

Bengey the instruction allows drug use without instructions of the attending physician. Bengey treats group of drugs of non-prescription dispensing.

Overdose and contraindications to drug use

Применение препарата Бенгей с профилактической целью абсолютно безопасноBengey ointment – safe drug of the dosed use. In rare instances at use violation of the rules (drawing on mucous membranes, integuments with integrity disturbance, the drug use inside) the overdose is observed by Bengy ointment. At detection of the following symptoms it is necessary to stop use of ointment and to ask for the qualified medical care. All symptoms of overdose are connected with achievement of concentration of active active ingredients of drug in a human body of critical figures.

Overdose symptoms menthol:

  • Symptoms of oppression of TsNS (loss of consciousness, disturbance of reaction to external irritants);
  • Disorder of a GIT (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea);
  • Respiratory depression;
  • Strengthening of a blood-groove to the person;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Confusion of consciousness.

Overdose symptoms methyl salicylate:

  • Malignant hyperthermia (the critical state caused by effect of some medicamentous drugs);
  • Hyperexcitability;
  • Breath disturbance.

The main contraindications to drug use Bengey are:

  • Wounds and other disturbances of integuments in the field of an inflammation;
  • Pregnancy and the period of a lactation – ointment components at hit get into blood through a placental barrier, and also in breast milk and can significantly affect fetation. At topical external use concentration of active components of drug does not reach levels, critical for a fruit, however it is always necessary to take into account possible risks at ointment use by pregnant women and the nursing women;
  • Children's age (ointment is not recommended to children up to 12 years);
  • Allergy to means components.

At the correct use Bengey does not influence ability of the person to management of the transoprtny means and other mechanisms demanding high concentration of attention.

Responses and recommendations to use

At the choice of such drug of local irritant action as Bengey, responses of patients will help to define efficiency of ointment. At ointment use Bengey responses position drug as the effective anesthetic improving a condition of joints after big exercise stresses. Bengey, comments on whom can be found in the Internet, is the efficient means for athletes allowing to minimize concentration of toxins during exercise stresses thereby preventing development of congestive processes in muscles and effects, related. Drug effectively stops pain in a lower back of various etiology. Today Bengey is choice drug. This safe means for stopping of pain allowed for use for wide group of patients.

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