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Electrolyte-deficient diet

The electrolyte-deficient diet is created, first of all, for the solution of various problems with health: the increased arterial Особенности бессолевой диетыpressure, a phlebectasia, hypostases, and also for elimination of cellulitis.

Salt is irreplaceable ingredient in cooking, but the excessive use leads to a liquid delay that slows down exchange processes in general. The electrolyte-deficient diet does not demand full refusal of salt, and only restrictions in its reception. The electrolyte-deficient diet for weight loss allows at the expense of a conclusion from an organism of excessive liquid to get rid of excess 3-4 kg.

Salt, as well as many microelements and substances is necessary for our organism. The sodium which is contained in it removes a calcium surplus in an organism. But in a modern food allowance, unfortunately, the amount of salt exceeds necessary level. The daily use of chips, sausages, bread and so forth leads to accumulation it in large numbers that not only breaks a metabolism, promotes a liquid delay, but also does harm to all organism in general.

Contraindications to use of an electrolyte-deficient diet

Efficiency of an electrolyte-deficient diet for weight loss by many nutritionists is called into question. In their opinion, having returned to a usual food allowance, the lost kilograms usually come back. Results of repeatedly conducted researches showed that the people who excluded completely from a food allowance salt as it is strange have the increased risk of development of various cardiovascular diseases. It, first of all, is caused by a lack of a sodium organism. Therefore you should not "keep" to an electrolyte-deficient diet fanatically. It is not recommended to carry out an electrolyte-deficient diet for weight loss to a hot span. Its carrying out is contraindicated and at big exercise stresses.

Electrolyte-deficient diet for weight loss: recommendations

Keeping to this diet, it is allowed to salt food, but to do it it is necessary not in the course of preparation and when it is already ready. The menu of an electrolyte-deficient diet provides frequent meal of small portions, so-called fractional food. To eat during the day fractionally and gradually. It is possible to add garlic or onions that it did not seem too fresh and tasteless to food. But gradually electrolyte-deficient diet for weight loss gives to the person new flavoring habits – lack of usual amount of salt does food more fragrant and tasty.

Products which it is necessary to refuse during an electrolyte-deficient diet for weight loss:

  • Smoked, fried, fat and spicy food: meat and fish;
  • Pickles and marinades;
  • Confectionery;
  • The sausages, sausages and products containing a large amount of salt.

The products used in the menu of an electrolyte-deficient diet:

  • White and rye bread;
  • Vegetable broths;
  • Meat broths and fishes of low-fat grades;
  • Crude and boiled vegetables;
  • Fruit, dried fruits and berries;
  • Dairy products: yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, skim milk;
  • Kissel, tea.

The approximate menu of an electrolyte-deficient diet for one day:

Breakfast: tea with milk, cottage cheese and rye bread;

Second breakfast: one baked apple;

Lunch: potatoes mushrooms soup, salad from tomato, a piece of a charlotte with apples;

Afternoon snack: broth of a dogrose and a piece of bread with jam;

Dinner: potatoes the boiled, deciduous salad filled with yogurt cottage cheese with fruit.

The menu of an electrolyte-deficient diet for 14 days:

1-3 day: Польза бессолевой диетыmeat of chicken without skin of-500 g is used during the day;

4-6 day: 500 g of low-fat fish are used during the day;

7-9 day: on water porridge from buckwheat, porridge or pearl barley at your discretion + honey prepares. It is allowed to add a little skim milk to porridge;

10-12 day: any vegetables from 1 to 2 kg but to exclude potatoes;

13-14 day: any fruit from 1 to 2 kg, except bananas.

During an electrolyte-deficient diet for 14 days it is recommended to drink mineral water, not less than 1,5 l and various teas with honey.

Electrolyte-deficient diet of Pugacheva

Its basic principle is the full refusal of table salt. In days normal life activity of an organism requires only 5-8 g of sodium of chloride. The main part of salt is removed at an urination, but excesses are postponed. Excess of salt leads to hypostases and increase in arterial pressure.

The electrolyte-deficient diet of Pugacheva allows to get rid in short terms of 3-4 kg of excess weight. During its carrying out it is not obligatory to refuse completely salt, it is enough to use fresh-salted dishes in a food allowance. At observance of this diet during the day it is necessary to eat in the small portions several times a day, leaving because of a table with small feeling of hunger.

For a month it is necessary to exclude from a food allowance of a smoked product, a pickles, marinades and spices. Also in the menu of an electrolyte-deficient diet of Pugacheva there have to be no jam, sugar, fancy bread, various grain and macaroni.

Recipes of an electrolyte-deficient diet

All recipes of an electrolyte-deficient diet are based on preparation of products on couple, or in a boiled look. Salt is not added to cooking time. The daily amount of the used meat should not exceed 100 g, white or rye bread of 200 g, beet, carrots and potatoes it is necessary to use in limited quantities. Alcoholic beverages during an electrolyte-deficient diet cannot be taken. Recipes of an electrolyte-deficient diet assume use of the following products:

  • Low-fat grades of fish;
  • Fruit and vegetables;
  • Eggs;
  • Haricot;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Various teas.

The electrolyte-deficient diet is considered medical. During its carrying out the excesses of water leading to hypostases are brought out of an organism. Weight is well lost, and overall health much more improves.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.