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from 24 rub.

Cyanocobalamine – the representativeУпаковка Цианокобаламин of polyvitamins with microelements.

Pharmacological action

B12 vitamin concerns to group of highly active biological vitamins, soluble in water. Cyanocobalamine is necessary for hemopoiesis process, namely, normal maturing of erythrocytes. B12 vitamin participates in processes of transfer of methyl, hydrogen, formation of nucleic acids, synthesis of sincaline and creatine. Cyanocobalamine promotes accumulation of connections which contain sulphhydryl groups in erythrocytes.

Release form

According to the instruction Cyanocobalamine is produced in ampoules and in the form of tablets.

Indications to Cyanocobalamine use

Use of Cyanocobalamine is necessary in case of detection of anemia owing to a B12-scarce condition of the patient, aplastic anemia which is caused by toxic substances and medicines, liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis), a polyneuritis, radiculitises, neuralgia, a side amyotrophic sclerosis, cerebral palsy, a Down syndrome. Also Cyanocobalamine is applied to prevention and treatment of deficit of B12 vitamin and a radial illness.

Route of administration

According to the instruction Cyanocobalamine is entered subcutaneously, intravenously, intramusculary and inside. The dosage of the drug Cyanocobalamine varies depending on a disease:

• At anemias which are connected with deficit of B12 vitamin 100-200 mkg every other day are entered;

• At the anemias connected with a disease of the central nervous system on 400-500 mkg daily the first week after - once a week;

• At an acute Ампулы Цианокобаламинiron deficiency anemia it is necessary to accept Cyanocobalamine on 30-100 mkg each 2-3 days;

• At diseases peripheral and the central nervous system the daily dose makes 200-500 mkg;

• At hepatitises and cirrhoses of 100 mkg of Cyanocobalamine each 2 days within a month;

• At a Down syndrome and a cerebral palsy on 15-30 mkg each 2 days;

• At deficit of B12 vitamin on 100 mkg every month.

Side effects of Cyanocobalamine

According to reviews of Cyanocobalamine drug can cause actions from the central nervous system in the form of a condition of excitement, side effect in work of cardiovascular system is possible tachycardia and pains around heart, and is rare - allergic reaction.


Cyanocobalamine is contraindicated to patients who have a thrombembolia, an erythremia, a hyperglobulia, or have hypersensitivity to drug.

Cyanocobalamine has no contraindications for pregnant women and in the period of a lactation.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Cyanocobalamine of an ampoule of 500mkg/1ml 10 pieces.

24 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cyanocobalamine/Vit. B12/solution for инъ amp of 500 mkg 1 ml No. 10, the Yerevan HFF (Yerevan)

25 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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