Application instruction:
Цифокс – an insektoakaritsidny concentrate. This means is intended for the staff of the organizations having the right to hold disinfection events.
According to the instruction of Tsifoks is issued in the form of transparent liquid in polymeric bottles.
Is Tsifoks's part цидерметрин (25%), solvents, emulsifiers, a fragrance. Tsidermetrin – the main operating Tsifoks's component.
According to the instruction of Tsifoks has insektoakaritsidny effect, providing elimination of ants, cockroaches, fleas, bugs, itch and rat mites, larvae and imago of mosquitoes and flies, louses within 20-25 minutes. Duration of action of Tsifoks depends on a type of the processed surface and on concentration of an emulsion (from one week to three months). The term of residual action of Tsifoks on surfaces in rooms makes from one to three months; in the water environment – 1-3 weeks; in the conditions of the open nature (at Tsifoks's use for fight against midges components) – from one to six weeks; when processing from ixodic mites – from one to two months. As a result of contact with clothes ixodic ticks perish, at the same time acaricidal effect of Tsifoks will remain up to two weeks.
In responses to Tsifoks is confirmed that efficiency of drug in many respects depends on sensitivity of populations of arthropods to its operating component.
In some responses to Tsifoks it is said that when using means for fight against the populations of insects having the expressed resistance to peritroida, its insektoakaritsidny action considerably decreases.
Working emulsions of means should be prepared just before Tsifoks's use. It is necessary to dilute Tsifoks with tap water, continuously stirring the received solution within five minutes. The ready emulsion is recommended to be used within eight hours. For Tsifoks's drawing most often use mnogolitrazhny krupnokapelny sprayers. Apply 0,05% to destruction of rat, itch mites, ants, bed bugs a water emulsion of Tsifoks. For fight against cockroaches, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and their larvae use 0,1% aqueous solution of means.
Preparation of an emulsion and gas station of tanks should be made on special gas stations. It is forbidden to work with Tsifoks according to the instruction to the persons under 18 feeding and pregnant women, and also persons with hypersensitivity to pesticides. On places of work it is forbidden to smoke, drink, eat food.
The persons working with Tsifoks are surely provided with individual means of protection – overalls (overalls from water-repellent or dense fabric), tight points and a respirator. After work it is necessary to wash up carefully water open body parts.
Disinsection of rooms should be carried out at open windows, window leaves. After work the room needs to be aired within half an hour. Cleaning of the room at open window leaves and windows should be carried out in 9-12 hours after disinsection.
Reviews of Tsifoksa demonstrate that at poisoning with this means there are a headache, weakness, vomiting, unpleasant smack in a mouth, the nausea amplifying when smoking or at meal, plentiful hypersalivation, irritation of respiratory bodies. At emergence of the specified symptoms it is necessary to take off immediately contaminated clothes and to rinse an oral cavity of 2% solution of baking soda or water.
In case of an accidental proglatyvaniye of Tsifoks it is necessary to drink 2-3 glasses of water and to cause vomiting. Then it is necessary to drink one-two glasses of water from 10-20 by tablets of absorbent carbon.
At Tsifoks's hit in eyes or on skin it is necessary to wash out immediately contaminated sites water or 2% solution of baking soda.
Means of Tsifoks is flammable! It is necessary to store Tsifoks in special warehouse in densely closed capacity, far from heating devices and fire, separately from medicines and foodstuff. On capacity the label on which the name of drug, date of production, a period of validity is specified shall be pasted.
The working emulsion cannot be stored and it is necessary to use within eight hours from the moment of cultivation.
According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.
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