For people with depleted state after operations and injuries, and also at various forms of tuberculosis special food is provided. Special food has to become an integral part of complex therapy and strengthen medical effect of medicines. The essence of healthy nutrition consists in recovery of functions of an organism, in increase in immunity and maintenance of vital forces. The diet 11 (a diet for a set of weight) accelerates recovery processes in an organism, stimulates its protective forces. There is a set of variations of a diet 11 depending on the nature of course of a disease, localization of inflammatory process and the general condition of an organism. At an anemia the diet 11 is selected individually in each case. By means of special food the deficiency of the microelements and biologically active agents necessary for a hemopoiesis is compensated. At the same time limit consumption of the fats complicating iron absorption, increasing a share of proteins in a diet to 90 g every day. At a diabetes mellitus increase a share of vegetable fats and proteins, reduce amount of carbohydrates.
The diet 11 surpasses a diet of the healthy person in energy value. At the choice of products for a diet special attention is paid to presence of minerals and irreplaceable microelements, biologically active agents, a vitamin saturation. The increased caloric content is reached at the expense of the high content of proteins, fats and digestible carbohydrates. At the same time food at a medical diet 11 does not render irritant action on the alimentary system. Food is very easily processed and acquired, without causing processes of rotting and fermentation in a digestive tract. Food fibers promote clarification of blood and intestines from the toxins which are saved up at a disease and the remains of medicines. At a diet flavoring characteristics of a dish are of the 11th great importance. Dishes for this diet are boiled, extinguished or steamed, but try at the same time in any ways to improve their outward and aroma. The daily diet at a diet 11 has to include about 120 g of proteins, 110 g of fats, 400-500 g of carbohydrates, and also 1,0 mg of Retinolum, 8,5 mg of carotene, 2 mg of thiamin, 4 mg of Riboflavinum, 30 mg of niacin. At a diet the 11th every day not less than 200 mg of ascorbic acid, 4 g of sodium, 1,4 g of calcium, 0,6 mg of magnesium, 2,2 mg of phosphorus, 0,055 g of iron and to 15 g of table salt have to come to a human body. The diet for a set of weight provides fractional food five-six times a day. The volume of portions should be distributed evenly.
At a diet 11 it is recommended to use any bakery products from wheat flour, rye flour with addition of nuts, sunflower seeds, dried fruits (pies, cookies, rich rolls, pies, rolls). Products from shortcake or puff pastry can be used in limited quantity.
At this diet any soups, especially rich on fish, beef-infusion, mushroom broth are recommended. It is possible to add a large number of beet, carrots, potatoes, pasta to soups. Also filling soups on the basis of semolina or browned flour with addition of cream, sour creams are resolved. It is possible to include in a diet milk soups on the basis of pasta and porridges, and also broths and lumpy meat, quenelles soups. At a diet 11 for preparation of dishes it is allowed to use all types of low-fat meat – beef, mutton, cut pork, meat of chicken, a rabbit, duck, goose, turkey. Meat can be extinguished, served in a piece with various sauces, to bake in a foil. It is authorized to add sausage, ham, sausages and sausages to a diet. During a diet 11 it is necessary to exclude use of refractory animal fats, for example, of mutton, beef, and also cooking fat.
During a diet fish of semifat and low-fat grades it is possible to boil, bake, extinguish or fry. Cod liver, caviar, fish canned food, balyks are resolved. Dairy products can be used in unlimited number. Fermented milk products are very useful. They normalize microflora after a disease and antibacterial therapy. Grain at a diet 11 should be used for preparation of garnishes for vegetables and meat. Preference should be given buckwheat, oat, to semolina. From them it is possible to prepare puddings and baked puddings. From vegetables it is possible to prepare separate dishes or garnishes, and also to eat in the crude, baked, boiled and fried look. From razvarenny beans, peas and haricot it is possible to cook puree. It is also recommended to eat sweet-sour and sweet mature, soft berries and fruits in the prepared and fresh look, and also to use as a stuffing for pies. At preparation of sweet dishes it is possible to add honey, jam and the refined sugar. It is not recommended to use sweet dishes with fat butter cream (cakes, cakes).
An important role at a diet for a set of weight is played by snack. They improve appetite and prepare the alimentary system of the person for work. Various sheet and vegetable salads with addition of parsley, fennel, spices, garlic are widely recommended. Fat and hot spices are not recommended to be included in a diet.
Drinks at a diet 11 are admissible any, including coffee and strong tea. Dried fruits compote and dogrose broth is useful.
The approximate menu of a diet 11 can be such:
The medical diet 11 for the child is based on the same principle, as a diet for adults, only with some differences. The amount of protein in a daily diet remains within norm, but preference is given to its digestible and valuable types.
The amount of carbohydrates and fats in a diet 11 for the child needs to be reduced. Carbohydrates promote strengthening of processes of fermentation in intestines, cause vspuchivany and other disturbances. For normal development and growth, strengthening of immunity and increase in vitality it is necessary to include products, vitamin-rich A, C, B1, B2 and D in a diet of the child, and also potassium, calcium and other microelements.
At a diet 11 for the child it is necessary to limit the use of table salt (sodium chloride). It is not recommended to add some salt to food and to use foodstuff with the increased salinity (acute grades of sausages and cheeses, a pickles, herring). The amount of the used liquid has to meet age standard.
By drawing up a diet 11 for the child it is necessary to choose the most useful products. It is important to know what amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral substances and vitamins contains in each product.
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