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Diet for intestines

At an intestines inflammation the eaten products can exert considerable impact on the symptoms accompanying an inflammation. The intestines inflammation usually leads to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distention, spasms and a stomach ache.Особенности диеты для кишечника

Depending on the reason causing an intestines inflammation, the doctor can recommend change of a diet, namely, register a special diet for intestines, along with the ordered drugs.

Diet for intestines at a heavy inflammation

At a heavy inflammation of intestines when the lock, a diarrhea serially replace each other, in the first few days it is possible to use only liquid food and drink, improvement of symptoms will not begin yet.

If after reception of liquid food or drink there comes vomiting, it is necessary to stop process of absorption of liquid and within an hour or two to give the chance to intestines to calm down, without straining its process of digestion. Temporary abstention from food and drink at observance of a diet for intestines gives to an organism the chance to calm and stop reduction of muscles of the gastric walls which are reduced at approach of vomiting.

Diet for intestines at a moderate inflammation

At a moderate inflammation of intestines it is necessary to use as much as possible liquid, when serially occurs the lock, a diarrhea, vomiting occurs organism dehydration. Chicken broth, water, fruit juice, herbal teas and soda water are allowed for the use. It is necessary to exclude apple, cherry and pear juice because the sugar which is contained in these fruit can aggravate diarrhea. From food in a diet at observance of an intestinal diet soft and natural products, such as white loaf, white rice, apple puree, gelatin and bananas have to prevail.

Diet for intestines at a small inflammation

At a small inflammation of intestines symptoms are practically absent, or are shown minimum. The menu of a day diet of a diet for intestines is similar to the menu of a diet of a diet for intestines at a moderate inflammation of intestines to which fruit, crackers, vegetables, fish, boiled potatoes and chicken breast are added. To exclude from a diet, keeping to an intestinal diet, it is necessary products which contain many spices, fat or sugar, and also the products which are giving in to high extent of processing, all dairy products (except yogurt), alcohol and caffeine until the condition of an organism improves.

House yogurt is good food for any type of an inflammation of intestines as can help not cure injuries of intestines, kill an infection, but also recover a regular chair. Yogurt contains live cultures which help work of the alimentary system.

Diet at a diarrhea

If for several days in a row the lock, a diarrhea do not give the chance to function normally to an organism, it is necessary to clean a stomach by means of a special diet at a diarrhea.

The eaten food has to affect digestive tract soothingly. The menu of a diet at a diarrhea include the following products:

  • Bananas – not only are easily acquired by a stomach, are an irreplaceable source of the potassium helping to normalize the level of electrolytes in an organism but also are rich in pectin – soluble cellulose which helps to absorb liquids in intestines. Also bananas contain inulin – substance which promotes growth of useful microorganisms (probiotics) in intestines;Диета для кишечника при поносе разрешает употребление травяного чая
  • White rice and vegetable purees which thanks to the low content of cellulose are easily acquired and do not render irritant action on a GIT;
  • Apple puree which, as well as bananas, is a good source of pectin. Nevertheless, the high content of cellulose in crude apples does them by too rough food for the angry intestines therefore puree needs to do of boiled apples;
  • House yogurt. As a rule, keeping to a diet for intestines, it is recommended to exclude dairy products at attacks of acute diarrhea, however yogurt is an exception of this rule as it contains live active cultures – lactobacilli acidophilic and bifidobacteria бифидум. These active cultures are a probiotics which help to recover balance of bacteria in digestive tract;
  • The chicken breast steamed – is easily acquired by an organism and is a source of protein and some nutrients necessary for normal functioning of an organism;
  • Dried bilberry – is included into the menu of an intestinal diet thanks to the tannins which are contained in it which affect secretion of liquid and slime in a GIT. Also bilberry contains the substances called by antotsianozida which have antibacterial properties and are a good source of antioxidants.

Also at observance of a diet for intestines at a diarrhea the herbal teas having soothing effect on an organism at diarrhea are allowed for the use namely:

  • Mint tea – has the calming effect on digestive tract, calms and relaxes muscles along a GIT, thereby reducing spasms;
  • Camomile tea – is an effective remedy for decrease in an inflammation of intestines and calm of enterospasms.
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