The diet for a waist is directed to elimination of excess weight in a stomach and a waist, strengthening of muscles, formation of a slender waist, flat stomach and the correct relief.
The diet for a waist helps to get rid of excess fatty deposits on a stomach, to reduce risk of development of cardiovascular diseases, disturbances in functioning of a liver and kidneys. This power supply system normalizes a metabolism and strengthens immune system.
Excess centimeters on a waist generally appear after the use of food, carbohydrate-rich and fats. At observance of a diet for a waist and a stomach it is necessary to limit the use of salty and spicy food, and also to completely exclude flour products, chocolate and potatoes from a diet.
Physical exercises, run and the use of a large amount of liquid are a diet basis for reduction of a waist. In the daily menu fresh fruit and vegetables, porridge and dried fruits have to prevail. To achieve a slender waist, a flat stomach and strong muscles it is possible thanks to regular loads of a press.
The effective diet for a waist assumes balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and also enrichment of an organism vitamins, cellulose and microelements.
The diet for a waist has to be painted for every week with calculation of necessary number of calories and volume of the used liquid. In days of intensive exercise stresses it is possible to use products with high content of protein, food fibers and vitamins.
The approximate week menu of a diet for reduction of a waist can be made as follows:
At strong hunger it is possible to have a bite fruit and vegetables, but it is not necessary to use a large number of grapes and nuts.
During a diet for a waist daily it is necessary to control weight and to regularly conduct diagnostic examinations not to allow development of diseases of the alimentary system and exhaustion.
Thanks to a diet for a stomach it is possible to achieve elimination of extra kilos, but strengthening of muscles of a press and recovery of symmetry can be reached constant sports trainings, fitness or yoga, swimming and massage.
It is daily necessary to swing a press, to carry out several calling of squats and squeezing, and also to do exercises on an extension. Inclinations in the parties, roundabouts by a waist and jumps will help to remove excess centimeters from a waist, to tighten skin and to strengthen a press.
Dances and aerobics help to improve a bearing and to make a waist thin. Several times a week it is possible to take classical, oriental or Latin American dances, and also to twist a hoop and to carry out static exercises. Belly dances are an effective remedy of achievement of a beautiful waist.
It is considerable to strengthen muscles of a stomach and will allow to make a waist thin within 2 months a harmonious combination of a diet for a waist, physical exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures and wrappings.
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