It is possible to gather in a stomach by means of a diet for a stomach and sides. Many nutritionists consider that to gather in a stomach and sides, the diet needs to be chosen long-term. Short-term diets for weight loss of a stomach and sides create only visibility of reduction of volumes of a stomach at the expense of purgation.
It is necessary to begin a diet for a stomach and sides with review of a food allowance. At improper feeding work of intestines is broken, in an organism harmful substances collect. At a diet for a stomach and hips is it is necessary in the small portions to six times a day. Several hours later after traditional meal it is possible to allow having a snack, however having a snack has to repeat not more often than three times a day. – not to starve and not to overeat the main thing in a diet for hips and a stomach. For the period of a diet it is necessary to refuse alcohol completely. During a diet it is impossible to use whole milk, fried vegetables, the candied nutlets, canned and fish meat, margarine, confectionery. From all drinks preference should be given to herbal or green tea. These drinks accelerate splitting of fats and perfectly burn calories. During a diet for weight loss of a stomach and sides it is necessary to include in a diet vegetables and fruit, dairy products in all types, grain, eggs, fowl, seafood, fish, nut oil, olive oil and sunflower oil.
There is a large number of diets for hips and a stomach. The kefiric diet is quite often used. It is necessary to observe a kefiric diet five days. For breakfast to drink one and a half glasses of kefir with a piece of rye bread with bran. For lunch to drink three glasses of kefir, and for dinner – one and a half glasses of kefir with two rye crispbread. In breaks it is necessary to drink as much as possible clear water. The kefiric diet is contraindicated at gastritis and an ulcer.
The buckwheat diet is useful to health. Buckwheat contains vitamins of the P and B group, magnesium, potassium and other mineral substances. Buckwheat diet simple. It consists of one fasting day. During this day it is necessary to eat only buckwheat cereal. The glass of grain should be made previously two glasses of boiled water. Then to wrap up and put to the warm place for ten hours. Buckwheat cannot be salted. It is possible to add a little lemon juice or soy sauce. It is possible to drink low-fat kefir and water.
During a diet it is possible to make drink from a turmeric. A half of a teaspoon of the crushed root of a turmeric needs to be filled in with 300 ml of boiled water. To allow to infuse about 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to drink such drink after food (on one cup).
The cheese diet for a stomach and legs is very simple and effective. The diet consists in the use of cheese in combination with fruit, vegetables, greens and berries. It is impossible to combine cheese with a melon, raisin, nuts. The cheese diet for a stomach and legs should be observed within several weeks. At the same time it is regularly necessary to mass legs a rigid brush under a shower.
In a diet for a stomach and legs of the American nutritionist Rosemarie Konli there is no strict menu. Daily it is necessary to include in a diet salad and vegetables (300 g), proteinaceous products of an animal and plant origin (150 g), complex carbohydrates (150 g), fresh fruit and fruit juice (300 g), skim milk (250 g). It is possible to have coffee and tea without restrictions. Sometimes it is possible to afford a glass of dry red wine.
To gather in a stomach and sides, the diet needs to be combined with the exercises strengthening prelum abdominale muscles. It is possible to carry out twisting and the return twisting regularly. For performance of the first exercise it is necessary to lay down on a back, to put feet on a floor, to bend knees. To stretch hands forward, to tear off shoulders from a floor. Not to strain a muscle of a neck. For performance of the return twisting it is necessary to lay down on a back, to raise legs up and to bend in knees, to lower hands along a trunk. To raise a basin from a floor on five-ten centimeters. It is necessary to execute each exercise from 20 to 50 times.
Muscles of a stomach and hips can be strengthened by means of a hoop. The diet for a stomach and sides in combination with a hoop will allow to get rid more effectively and quicker of extra kilos. The hoop has massage effect on oblique and direct muscles of a stomach. In fifteen minutes of occupations with a hoop a significant amount of calories is burned.
According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.
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