Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:1-2 weeks |
3,5 of 5 The low-calorie diet created by the American doctor Hauzer more than 100 years ago did not lose the popularity to this day as provides good result. |
Recommended частота:раз in half a year | |
Speed of loss of weight: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
The diet was developed by the American doctor Gay lord Hauzer more than 100 years ago. Its action is based on sharp decrease in daily caloric content of a diet at the expense of an exception of the products containing starch and bystry carbohydrates and also reduction of the sizes of portions. It is preferential proteinaceous and vegetable diet.
Daily caloric content on doctor Hauzer should not exceed 1000 kcal. The diet consists of proteinaceous and vegetable products, distinctive feature of a diet – the use during the day of the special clearing drink.
The diet can be used as system for weight loss, in this case its duration – 1-2 weeks. As unloading it can be applied to clarification of an organism within 1-2 days.
The recipe of clearing doctor Hauzer's drink:
Parsley, spinach, celery and carrots are placed in a pan, fill in 1 l of water, covered and brought to boiling. Then 25 minutes are cooked on small fire. Add tomato juice, salt and honey, all mix and several minutes weary on weak fire.
Rules of a diet of doctor Hauzer:
In addition to a diet Gay lord Hauzer recommended to take beer yeast, the sprouted wheat and natural yogurt as according to his statement, they rejuvenate an organism, improve health and prolong life.
For a week of a diet of doctor Hauzer it is possible to dump up to 5 kg.
By means of a diet it is possible not only to lose weight, but also to clear an organism, having improved work of a digestive tract.
A large number of vegetables and fruit in a diet of a diet allow to saturate an organism with vitamins and necessary mineral substances that positively affects on health.
Energy value of 1000 kcal a day is excessively low (WHO considers the lower safe limit of 1500 kcal a day), such diet can become the reason of deterioration in health, emergence of a headache, sleeplessness, increased fatigue. Bystry return of weight after end of a diet is one more frequent consequence of so sharp restriction of caloric content.
During a diet it is desirable to observe the drinking mode, drinking not less than 1 l of water a day. It will improve health and will reduce appetite.
The diet is not recommended at digestive tract diseases. People with any chronic pathology before a diet need consultation of the doctor.
Salt is allowed, but it it is desirable to limit quantity.
The products which are not specified in the list resolved, including sugar are prohibited.
The menu of a diet of doctor Hauzer for one day:
First breakfast |
1 boiled egg or is a little cheese, 50 g of rye bread, a piece of boiled meat. |
Second breakfast |
Bread piece with processed cheese or boiled egg, fresh vegetables salad, fruit, 200 ml of curdled milk or tea. |
Lunch |
Vegetable soup, slice of rye bread, fresh vegetables salad, fish or meat, fruit salad. |
Dinner |
200 ml of dairy drink or the warmed-up milk. |
Council 1: During a diet it is desirable to observe the drinking mode, drinking not less than 1 l of water a day. It will improve health and will reduce appetite.
Council 2: The diet will be easier transferred if to accompany it with the regular, but sparing exercise stress: walks in the fresh air, swimming, yoga.
According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.
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