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Ionova's diet

Диета Лидии ИоновойThe main principle of a diet of Lidiya Ionova is an integrated approach to a problem of obesity, but not just calculation of caloric content of the eaten products.

Excess weight today – a problem widely and everywhere widespread. It not only risk for health, but also deterioration of life. The people having obesity try many different ways of fight against it. Ionova's method effectively helps to cope with extra kilos, without prejudice to own organism, to keep for a long time the received result and to considerably improve quality of life.

Diet from professionals

Lidiya Ionova is the first nutritionist in Russia who was trained at world famous school on treatment of obesity (Cambridge, Great Britain). Competence of questions of food of Lidiya Ionova and specialists of Clinic of the doctor of Ionovoy® is confirmed by the fact that in 2007 the clinic was conferred the award "Profession — Life" which receive once for the highest professionalism. In 2008 5 scientific works of clinic were the Russia's first, accepted by the European Congress on treatment of obesity in Geneva. In 2009 Lidiya Ionova and specialists of clinic also the first in Russia received the European certificates in the field of treatment of obesity in Cambridge.

Basis of a diet of doctor Ionova – healthy habits

Lidiya Ionova developed a power supply system which becomes a part of a healthy lifestyle. At observance of a diet of Ionova it is important to include the healthy products allowing to lose at the same time the excess weight and to keep health in a diet, that is restriction on caloric content in Ionova's diet plays not a paramount role.

Bystry weight loss is fraught with the effects for health, and the lost kilograms also quickly are gained back. Lidiya Ionova's diet is not expected instant effect, the safe speed of weight reduction is in the limits recommended to WHO.

At such long-term diet the organism will not lack the vital proteins, vitamins and microelements.

It is accepted to think that food at obesity without fail means decrease in quantity and variety of the eaten food. The person at the same time constantly feels psychological discomfort, freedom of its choice is limited.

The diet of doctor Ionova is based on the free choice of a diet. Products in it are divided into 6 groups:

  • Starchy;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruit;
  • Proteinaceous products;
  • Dairy products;
  • Fats.

The person is granted an option of the eaten products from these categories that allows to pick up dishes individually and for the taste. According to the most Ionovy, taste to food is the important key point in disposal of extra kilos.

Important not only to lose excess weight, but also to constantly keep it in new borders. It is achievable if at the person the mode of the healthy and healthy nutrition is set to habit level. Formation of useful habits happens to a diet of doctor Ionova constantly, healthy food becomes the integral component of a new way of life. After a while at suffering from excess weight desire decreases is greasy, fried, flour and sweet food. Therefore, according to reviews, long time is rather easy to maintain Ionova's diet.

Doctor Lidiya Ionova does not do a secret of the method. Under her authorship two books are published for today. In 2013 in the book "Healthy habits. Doctor Ionova's diet" it opened all secrets of the program. And in 2014 doctor Ionova showed in the book "Healthy Recipes" that the balanced diet can be very tasty and various!

Principle of creation of a diet of Ionova

Принцип построения меню диеты Ионовой

At the heart of Ionova's diet – specially developed food pyramid on which it is recommended to make the menu per day. The important requirement is reduction of the use of products with a high glycemic index by their replacement, and inclusion in a diet of products which glycemic index is low. At implementation of this rule favorable conditions for active weight reduction due to splitting of excess of fatty tissue are created.

Glucose – the most bystry and available energy source for an organism. The use of food at which digestion a small amount of glucose is released provokes to use own stocks of energy from depot of fatty deposits. According to reviews, Ionova's diet has such "side effects", favorable for health, as normalization of sugar in blood and arterial pressure.

According to a pyramid of a healthy lifestyle on Ionova's diet, bread, macaroni, bean products, grain and potatoes concerns to group of starchy products wholegrain or otrubny. Starchy products do not join in a dinner and are welcomed in the first half of day.

Fruit and vegetables, according to Ionova's diet shall be present at a daily diet in enough both on the way to symmetry, and at a stage of deduction of weight. At the same time vegetables are recommended to be included in any meals and in any quantity.

The group of proteinaceous products is presented by low-fat meat, a bird or fish, eggs, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese, and also bean. The recommended ways of preparation of proteinaceous dishes is cooking, suppression, roasting, preparation on couple or on a grill. Proteinaceous products are distributed in two and more than a meal during the day, including a dinner.

Low-fat milk and various fermented milk products of low fat content on condition of lack in them of sugar and fillers supporting him belongs to dairy products. Fermented milk products can be used throughout the day, including evening of days.

On Ionova's diet for normalization of a lipometabolism at a daily diet there have to be fats, but not any, and useful vegetable. In itself they do not contain "harmful cholesterol", at the same time conduct with it active fight. According to Ionova's diet, carry useful vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, nuts, and also various salad gas stations on the basis of vegetable oil to group of fats.

The volume of the water drunk per day on Ionova's diet, should not be less than a figure received by multiplication of weight (in kg) on 30 ml.

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