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Kim Protasov's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:10 weeks

3,5 of 5

Popularity of a diet is explained by high performance and lack of feeling of hunger. Accurately painted exit period from a diet helps to set the received result.

Recommended частота:раз in 6 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The diet is developed by the Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov. This power supply system is expected 10 weeks: 5 weeks – actually a diet on which loss of 6-8 kilograms is possible; 5 weeks – the exit from a diet setting the achieved result.

The volume of products and time of meal are not limited.

Диета Кима Протасова - сбалансированная система питания, рассчитанная на 10 недель


Despite the low caloric content of the resolved products, on Kim Protasov's Diet hunger is not felt as the amount of the eaten food and number of its receptions are not limited.

The power supply system offered by Protasov is balanced and includes products which contain proteins necessary for an organism, fats and carbohydrates.

Products with a high glycemic index are excluded from a diet. Thanks to their absence during a diet there is a normalization of function of a pancreas and thirst for sweet decreases.

The combination of fresh vegetables and proteinaceous products to the low content of fat does loss of weight qualitative and effective. The cellulose which is contained in vegetables prevents locks, improves work of intestines, promotes long preservation of sense of fulness. Because of the low caloric content of vegetables in a diet the deficit of calories necessary for weight loss is created. Proteins, in turn, are digested long and with big power consumption which for this purpose arrives from fat depos.

On Kim Protasov's Diet the deficiency of vitamins and minerals of an organism is compensated.

Shortcomings and contraindications

It is more reasonable to adhere to a diet in the summer or in the fall when it is possible to buy fresh vegetables, vitamin-rich. In the winter or in the spring they are deprived of the majority of useful qualities and are more expensive.

On Kim Protasov's Diet for ten weeks fresh, thermally raw vegetables are used. Such way of food is hard transferred by many people.

The diet can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases therefore previously it is recommended to consult with the dietitian.

What products are resolved?

The diet of the Diet of Protasov changes on its extent:

  • First and second weeks: all vegetables which can be eaten fresh, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt) which fat content does not exceed 5%, boiled egg, green apples, tea and coffee without sugar, water;
  • Third, fourth and fifth weeks: a part of dairy products is replaced with 300 g of fried meat, fishes or birds.

In the period of an exit from a diet the following products are added: grain, vegetable oil, fruit (except bananas, grapes, mango and dried fruits).

What products are prohibited?

The products which did not enter the list of resolved are considered as prohibited.


Example of the menu of the Diet of Kim Protasov:

First two weeks of a diet

Breakfast: yogurt, boiled egg, grated carrots.

Second breakfast: cucumber.

Lunch: cottage cheese, cabbage, carrots and greens salad, tea.

Afternoon snack: cucumbers and tomatoes salad.

Dinner: kefir, gazpacho (cold tomatoes soup).

3-5 weeks

Breakfast: fried eggs, fermented baked milk, carrots.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with greens.

Lunch: boiled chicken with tomatoes, garlic and greens.

Afternoon snack: tomato, cucumber.

Dinner: kefir.


Breakfast: porridge, apple.

Second breakfast: grated carrots with cinnamon and fermented baked milk.

Lunch: braised beef, the shredded cabbage with vinegar.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, apple.

Dinner: egg, kefir.

In the period of an exit from a diet the diet is gradually changed:

  • 40% of dairy products replace with the fat-free analogs (0,5%-1%) of fat content. As compensation of depreciation in fat include vegetable oil in volume of 3 teaspoons a day in a diet;
  • Two of three resolved apples replace with other fruit in the same quantity;
  • Instead of a part of vegetables for breakfast use porridge which should be cooked from 1-2 tablespoons of grain and the corresponding volume of water. The volume of a portion – no more than 250 ml. Add cottage cheese and vegetable salad to porridge;
  • 30% of dairy products replace with fast meat: chicken, beef or turkey.

Useful tips

Council 1: On a diet drink not less than 2 pure liters a day. In addition to hydration, water improves removal of slags and toxins from an organism.

Council 2: Change of a diet during an exit from a diet is recommended to be carried out smoothly, within several days.

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