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Diet at pyelonephritis

General recommendations

Особенности диеты при пиелонефритеAny patient having a chronic disease practically always needs to adhere to a certain image of food. Patients with acute or chronic pyelonephritis not an exception. If pyelonephritis, in principle, is compensated, i.e. is not followed by hypostases, increase in arterial pressure, considerable allocation with protein urine, then the patient's food practically differs in nothing from food of the healthy person.

Preference at pyelonephritis at adults should be given in a diet to milk and vegetable food, meat and boiled fish is authorized. It is possible to include in a daily diet vegetable dishes (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beet), the fruit rich with potassium and vitamins C, P, B (apples, raisin, a fig, apricots), milk and dairy products (cheese, sour cream, milk, kefir, cream, curdled milk). Eggs are resolved. Daily energy value of a diet makes 2000-2500 kcal.

Restriction is imposed for aggravations. The acute, seasoned dishes, smoked products, i.e. those products which contain extractive substances are strictly forbidden. There is a lot of such substances in some meat and fish dishes prepared definitely (frying, a grill), mushrooms, rich broths, spinach, onions and garlic, horse-radish, natural coffee. Therefore, all these products can be used extremely restrictedly. Especially it concerns a diet at pyelonephritis at pregnant women and children.

In the absence of complications and signs CRF (chronic renal failure), at observance of a diet at pyelonephritis, it is authorized to adult to use daily 2-3 l of liquid. Cranberry drink and compote since the cranberry possesses the expressed antiseptic action is especially useful and promotes stopping of an inflammation in kidneys and urinary tract.

The use of plentiful amount of liquid is forbidden when disturbance of passability of urinary tract and difficulty of outflow of urine, or at the accompanying arterial hypertension became the reason of an aggravation.

At an exacerbation of a disease at adults, it is necessary to keep to a diet at pyelonephritis more strictly. The use of table salt is considerably limited: to 5-6 g/days. At urine outflow difficulty the quantity decreases even more: to 4 g.

Out of an aggravation it is allowed at observance of a diet at pyelonephritis to 12-15 g of salt a day.

Reasonablly to patients with chronic pyelonephritis several times a month specially to use 2-3 days the products acidifying рН urine (flour products, bread, meat, eggs), and then 2-3 days alkalinizing (fruit, vegetable dishes, milk). Sharp change рН urine creates unfavorable conditions for life activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

The approximate menu of a diet at pyelonephritis at children

Diet diet at pyelonephritis:

  • Breakfast: milk semolina porridge, a cheese piece, tea with sugar and cookies.
  • Lunch: soup vegetable, boiled potatoes with a piece of boiled meat, dried fruits compote, an apricot.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, cookies (it is possible rich), apple (pear).
  • Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea (it is possible with sugar), crouton.

You should not limit liquid. The exception is made by such drinks as forfeit, Pepsi, other carbonated drinks.

All types of meat are allowed (depending on age of the child). It is desirable that all meat dishes were boiled, as a last resort, it is possible to bake (without ruddy crust). The same concerns also fish dishes.

All grain, potatoes are resolved as a garnish. Vegetable and fruit dishes, macaroni, fancy bread, etc. are encouraged.

The only condition - restriction of smoked products, marinades, i.e. those products which can irritate the damaged epithelium of tubules of kidneys.

Very important the fact that the diet at pyelonephritis at children does not mean refusal of sweets: it is possible caramel, a zephyr, a fruit candy, jam, medical. The exception makes chocolate. However if mother tries at preparation of sweet dishes, the child will not feel this restriction.

Dairy and fermented milk products are welcomed. First, it is a source necessary for the normal growth of the child of calcium and phosphorus. Secondly, milk possesses a certain diuretic action. Thirdly, dairy products rather well are acquired and digested the alimentary system of the child. Are almost irreplaceable for the child, as well as for any patient on a diet at pyelonephritis, fermented milk products. They contain the useful lactobacilli recovering normal intestinal microflora. It is especially necessary after antibioticotherapia courses which carrying out is almost necessary at pyelonephritises. It is good to give to the child daily at least something sour-milk: acidophilus milk, kefir, fermented baked milk.Рацион питания на диете при пиелонефрите

It is also obligatory to include in an egg diet. Even in the period of an aggravation they are necessary for the normal growth of the child. What quantity should be included in the menu of a diet at pyelonephritis, depends only on age of the little patient.

Diet at pyelonephritis at pregnant women

Pyelonephritis at pregnancy and in a puerperal period is not a rarity. Features of hormonal reorganization of an organism, the growing fruit, etc. adversely influence anatomy of kidneys and urinary tract that leads to disturbance of normal outflow of urine and increase in probability of emergence of an inflammation.

At observance of a diet at pyelonephritis at pregnant women it is necessary to remember that food of the pregnant woman has to be full and correct.

Most of pregnant women even without pyelonephritis has a predisposition to developing of hypostases, and at some also increase in arterial pressure as manifestations of a gestosis is observed. To such women some restriction of liquid and table salt is especially important. At the expressed gestosis recommend to some pregnant women an electrolyte-deficient diet or carrying out fasting day once a week.

The amount of liquid is reduced to 800 ml a day, and sometimes and it is even less.

Also it is necessary to remember that during pregnancy work of digestive tract is broken. There is a tendency to locks, development of hemorrhoids and cracks of a rectum is possible on this background. Therefore the diet at pyelonephritis at pregnant women shall be sated with the products containing food fibers: vegetables, fruit. The daily use of fermented milk products is desirable.

It is correct to make a diet for the pregnant woman with pyelonephritis the doctor has to. It is not necessary to limit independently itself in food and food.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.