Esherikhioz is an acute intestinal infection which is caused by pathogenic colibacilli. The disease is shown by an inflammation of a mucous membrane of guts, the general intoxication, fever, organism dehydration.
The activator of an esherikhioz are pathogenic options of the representative of normal Escherichia coli intestinal microflora (colibacillus). Bacteria do not perish in external environment, remain viable in water, in the soil and on use objects about three months. Activators of an esherikhioz perfectly transfer drying, but perish at boiling or when influence them dezsredstvo.
Colibacillus not only is capable to remain in food stuffs, at the same time she quickly enough breeds in them.
Esherikhioz also adults are ill, but to a bowl he is shown at children. The carrier of an infection is the sick person. The fecal and oral mechanism of transfer is characteristic of an esherikhioz. The activator is allocated together with excrements at sick people, then it gets to food, the soil, water, on objects of use and later on hands of the person, as becomes the infection reason.
Contagiums are implemented into a GIT and reach a small bowel where they are fixed on a mucous membrane and begin to breed that leads to destruction of cells of mucous. Special toxin of the activator of an esherikhioz causes destruction of walls of blood vessels of a gut that can lead to development of a necrosis (necrosis of fabrics, cells).
For children of early age it is diagnosed enteropathogenic эшерихиоз (EPE) which arises at kids from three and up to twelve months more often. These are the weakened children with various associated diseases, kids who are on artificial feeding.
Esherikhioz can be shown also at newborns, especially it concerns premature or the children who are in risk groups.
Both isolated cases, and epidemic flashes are characteristic of a disease.
Enteroinvasive эшерихиоз (EIE) occurs at children of all age, but more often from it children suffer from two and up to six years. Among kinds of this disease the clinic of EIE is studied most in detail.
Infection of children comes in the contact and food way from mother or from medical personnel. The carrier of an esherikhioz can be and the sick child, communication at an acute form of a disease is especially dangerous. In risk group there are kids who are raised in the artificial way. In such cases colibacillus gets into an organism through milk mix, and also through insufficiently washed and specially processed dishes. It is impossible to exclude also an endogenous way of emergence of an esherikhioz in children. It is promoted by penetration of EPKP (enteropathogenic strains of colibacillus) into upper parts of intestines. The disease extends among children who have dysbacteriosis, children with the weakened immunity.
One more origin of a disease is connected with climatic conditions. In tropical countries the risk of emergence of an esherikhioz increases not only at children, but also at adults.
Living conditions of people act as one of important factors of an esherikhioz, here it is necessary to refer improvement of housing, receiving qualitative food stuffs by all family members, clear water and observance of rules of personal hygiene by them.
The disease begins in an acute form. As a rule, the incubation interval lasts no more than 8 days. At the weakened and newborn babies, at mass infection it can be reduced to 1 – 2 days.
Distinguish three forms of a current of an esherikhioz:
- Easy form. Symptoms of intoxication are expressed indistinctly. The patient has a weakness, a loss of appetite moderated, the aching abdominal pains, body temperature can not change. The chair is no more than 5 times in days of a liquid consistence.
- Medium-weight form. The symptomatology is expressed more brightly. Body temperature increases to 39 degrees. Feels feverish the patient, weakness, headaches, abdominal pains appears. At this form of an esherikhioz vomiting can develop. Excrements plentiful and watery with impurity of slime, greens. A chair to 10 times a day.
- At a severe form of an esherikhioz body temperature can rise higher than 39 degrees, the chair of the patient is speeded up, sometimes there are more, than 10 times a day. Gradually there is an increase of symptoms of dehydration due to loss of water during strong vomiting and a diarrhea. This form of a disease is shown extremely seldom.
At diagnosis of an esherikhioz first of all carry out crops of activators which undertakes from emetic masses or a calla. At a generalized form of a disease crops are made of bile, blood, urine, liquor.
Today the way of definition of availability of toxins in the fecal mass of the patient also practices laboratory diagnosis of an esherikhioz.
At a severe form of a disease blood test of the patient will show existence of hemolitic anemia, and also the increased level of content of urea and creatinine.
For treatment of an esherikhioz medicines according to severity of a disease are used, also at the same time the period of a disease and age of the patient is considered.
Use of antibacterial agents is necessary, to the patient appoint polymyxin M, нифуроксазид, Acidum nalidixicum within 5 days, treatment of an esherikhioz in a severe form demands use of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity.
After cancellation of antibacterial drugs a probiotics is appointed (lactic and bifidobacteria); for improvement of processes of digestion accept fermental drugs (креон, mezy forte, Pancreatinum, абомин, festal).
At development of dehydration the emergency therapy directed to completion of amount of the lost liquid is necessary for the patient.
Treatment of esherikhioz at newborn and sick children aged up to one year, children up to two years with average severe and severe forms of a disease is without fail carried out in infectious diseases hospitals.
Important condition of treatment of an esherikhioz is the sparing diet which is directed to restriction of amount of the consumed fats, decrease in amount of the easily acquired carbohydrates, with preservation of norm of the consumed protein. The amount of the consumed salt is reduced, the products promoting irritation of a mucous membrane of digestive tract (mustard, horse-radish, carbonated drinks) are prohibited. The patient cannot use fat grades of meat, fish, sausage. Canned food, various smoking, a pickles, mushrooms is excluded. Under strict prohibition chocolate and other confectionery.
When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.
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