Main > Drugs> Phenylbutazone


Phenylbutazone – anesthetic, antiinflammatory and an antipyretic.

Pharmacological action

Drug concerns Упаковка Фенилбутазонto group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of group of Butadionum.

The mechanism of its action is connected with not selective influence on fabric enzymes – type cyclooxygenases 1 and 2. Cyclooxygenase contains in an endothelium (an internal vystilka) of blood vessels. Phenylbutazone blocks its action therefore formation of prostaglandins from an arakhidonovoykislota is broken. Prostaglandins concern to group of the connections capable to cause inflammatory reactions in an organism. Reducing their education, Phenylbutazone has the febrifugal, antiinflammatory and anesthetizing effect. It surpasses Aspirin in force of antiinflammatory action.

It is known of properties of Phenylbutazone to strengthen removal of uric acid from an organism.

At drug intake inside the maximum content of active ingredient in blood is found in 2 hours. Transformation of Phenylbutazone happens in a liver. Removal from an organism is carried out by kidneys and intestines, partially in not changed state.

Form of production of Phenylbutazone

According to the instruction Phenylbutazone ointments for external use produce in the form of tablets on 150 mg, 15% and 20% of solution for injections in ampoules.

Indications to Phenylbutazone use

Medicine is appointed inside at such diseases as a nodal erythema, a hysterical chorea, rheumatism, nonspecific infectious and psoriasis polyarthritis. It is necessary to remember that this anti-inflammatory drug of a reserve, it is used in case of inefficiency of other drugs and only a short course. Antiinflammatory action is the is best of all it is shown at Bekhterev's disease and gout.

As supportive application sometimes drug is used in treatment of arthroses and synovites.

Topical administration of ointment of Phenylbutazone helps at dermatitis from mechanical influence, small burns of 1 - 2 degree, including solar, at strained muscles, muscles, stings of insects.


Phenylbutazone according to the instruction cannot be accepted inside at hypersensitivity to it and other NPVS, in case of a heavy renal or liver failure, oppression of the hemopoietic system (including at a leukopenia), at an aggravation of a peptic ulcer of a duodenum and stomach, ulcer colitis, at cardiovascular insufficiency in a decompensation stage. Ointment is not applied at disturbance of integrity of skin, eczema, trophic ulcers.

Phenylbutazone can be used at adults and children 14 years are more senior.

With care use drug at TsNS diseases, at gastritises it can provoke bleeding. During treatment in order to avoid a liquid delay in an organism it is recommended to limit use of table salt.

Prescription of medicine during pregnancy and a lactation is possible only under observation of the doctor, having weighed a ratio risk/advantage for a fruit and the child.

Application instruction of Phenylbutazone

Phenylbutazone in the form of tablets is accepted inside during reception of food or right after it, washing down with water.

The adult dose Раствор Фенилбутазонmakes 100 – 150 mg 2 – 3 times a day (as much as possible – 600 mg/days). As soon as reach clinical effect, the dose should be lowered to 200 mg/days at once.

The children's dosage depending on age makes 10 – 100 mg in 3 – 4 receptions.

Ointment is applied a thin layer on the unimpaired skin by 2 – 3 times a day.

Injections are intended only for stopping of acute displays of gout, a pseudorheumatism, a hysterical chorea.

At a concomitant use with indirect anticoagulants, streptocides and antidiabetic means their action amplifies. Phenylbutazone is capable to influence concentration of attention and speed of response.

Because of deterioration in a blood-groove in kidneys drug reduces efficiency of diuretics and anti-hypertensive means.

Side effects

Phenylbutazone often causes adverse effects. To 45% of patients note hemopoiesis disturbance (aplastic anemia, a leukopenia), dyspepsia in the form of nausea, an abdominal pain, vomitings, diarrheas, neuritis, formation of ulcers and erosion in a digestive tract, availability of blood in urine.

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