Main > Diseases> Furuncle


Furuncle – painful it is purulent - a necrotic furuncle which is a consequence of inflammations hair a follicle, the sebaceous glands and surrounding connecting fabrics caused by pyogenic bacteria (golden staphylococcus).Фурункул - острое гнойно-некротическое воспаление волосяного фолликула

The furuncle develops on skin in the form of a follicular pustule against the background of a red erythema with a furuncle core (necrosis) in the center, the size from a pea to walnut. After rejection of necrotic fabric is carried out, there is a healing to formation of hems. Often furuncles develop in areas with indumentum on hips, a breast, a back, a groin, neck skin, buttocks, a face, armpits and a nape. Localization of furuncles in the person can lead to purulent meningitis and sepsis. Large or several close located furuncles are called an anthrax. These educations usually much more painful and deep, and their treatment can demand reception of antibiotics as there is a probability of hit of an inflammation in blood.

Furuncle reasons

Penetration of a bacterium (generally golden staphylococcus) in a hair follicle is the reason of a furuncle. Pollution and microtraumas of skin, the increased sebaceous secretion and sweating, decrease of the activity of immunity, disbolism and improper feeding are the main reasons for a furuncle.

Symptoms and complications of furuncles

Symptoms of furuncles are painful feelings, pus, redness, an itch and a swelling in the field of its emergence. At untimely treatment furuncles can extend to nearby parts of a body, lead to emergence of acne phlebitis, a septicaemia, cavernous thrombosis, sepsis, abscesses, phlegmon of an upper lip, meningitis and a side slope of a nose.

Treatment of furuncles

It is possible to avoid emergence of furuncles by means of observance of rules of personal hygiene and timely processing of microtraumas of skin. Treatment of a furuncle begins with antiseptic processing of skin around an inflammation. Then by means of pure Ichthyolum, UVCh-therapy or dry heat process the created furuncle and open it. Further delete pus and necrotic fabrics by means of the wet drying bandage with hypertonic salt solution then the bandage with antibacterial ointments is applied the remained ulcer. At emergence of furuncles in a nose, cheeks and an upper lip in addition appoint antibiotics, active from stafilokokk, and in certain cases appoint an autohemotherapy.

Treatment of a furuncle in house conditions

The main rule at independent treatment of a furuncle is observance of rules of personal hygiene that implies washing of hands antibacterial soap before and after contact with a furuncle. Three times a day it is necessary to apply antibacterial agent and 4 times a day for 15 min. on the struck area - warm compresses. Later it is necessary to impose a thick layer of a dry gauze on a furuncle and to make a bandage. It is impossible to open at all a furuncle but if it opened independently, it is necessary to remove accurately pus then peroxide of hydrogen to process the remained wound and to apply a dry bandage.Винилин - препарат для лечения фурункулов

Treatment of a furuncle folk remedies

There are several national recipes applied at treatment of furuncles in house conditions namely:

  • Two crude yolks, are a little flour, to stir a tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of salt before formation of the dense weight reminding clay. Ready weight in the form of compresses needs to be put to a furuncle until it is not opened;
  • It is plentiful to salt rye bread and long to chew it before formation of gruel. Ready weight needs to be imposed on a furuncle and to bandage;
  • To mix a tablespoon of natural honey with wheat flour and to mold flat cake which needs to be put to an abscess, to apply a gauze bandage and to hold before opening;
  • To crush a dry inflorescence of a calendula in powder then to mix 10 grams of ready dry mix with the same amount of vaseline. To distribute ready ointment a thin layer on the inflamed surface and to hold 15-20 min.;
  • Piece of laundry soap to grate and mix with four baked bulbs. To put ready gruel to a furuncle and to apply a gauze bandage;
  • Two tablespoons of bark of a buckthorn fragile, fruits of fennel, leaves of a warty birch, grass of a three-colored violet, flowers of black elder and one tablespoon of roots of a naked glycyrrhiza to mix. Then to fill in one tablespoon of the received mix with a glass of boiled water and to boil on the water bath for 15 min. Ready liquid to cool, filter and drink on a half-glass three times a day.
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