Main > Diseases> Helminthosis


Short characteristic of a disease

ГельминтозHelminthosis call infection with helminths – the worms parasitizing in a human body and animals.

The most widespread helminthoses of the person: an enterobiosis at which are surprised intestines, integuments, a nervous system; the trichinosis causing fever, muscular pains, allergic reactions; the trichuriasis which is characterized by disturbances in activity of a GIT, a nervous system, change of composition of blood, the ascaridosis which is followed by disturbances of the GITs functions, an allergy.

Helminths can gain a foothold in easy, bile-excreting canals, intestines, gall bladder, to put to internals mechanical damages, to poison an organism with decomposition products and exchange.

Helminthoses in acute and chronic stages proceed. In an acute phase of a disease generally toxic defeat of an organism and allergic reactions arising because of it is observed, and at chronic helminthosis internals in which parasites were localized are surprised.

Helminthoses of the person are dangerous also because suppress immunity, negatively affect working capacity, aggravate the course of already available diseases, reduce efficiency of vaccination.

Reasons of emergence of a disease

The person catches helminths preferential through food and water. Dirty products, non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene, dirty water – the main reasons for infection.

Some species of parasites, for example ankilostomida and shistosoma get to an organism through skin. In rare instances infection with helminthosis happens when swallowing eggs of parasites to air and dust.

Symptoms of helminths

At the infected person such symptoms because of helminths are observed: rash, temperature increase, hypostases on a face, an inflammation of an eye cover, a disease of upper respiratory tracts, increase in lymph nodes.

The specified symptoms cause helminths when the disease is in an acute stage - for a week or several months. If treatment of helminthosis is not carried out, infection will pass into a chronic phase. Allergic reactions can remain, and other symptoms because of helminths develop depending on their quantity, the size, localization. There can be abdominal pains, in joints, fabrics, digestive disturbances, migraine, anemia, avitaminosis, nervous breakdowns.

Diagnosis of helminthosis

Diagnosis of helminthosis consists in the analysis a calla in which find the whole worms and their parts, larvae and eggs. It is desirable to repeat the analysis on helminthosis several times since one research is not always indicative.

The blood analysis is also applied to diagnosis of helminthosis. If infection with helminthosis occurred recently, in blood eosinophils will be raised.

Characteristic indicator at diagnosis of helminthosis on blood test is existence of antibodies of immunoglobulin G to a certain type of helminths.

Treatment of helminthosis

Лечение гельминтоза проводят препаратами, убивающими взрослых особей гельминтов, оказывающих воздействие на их личинки и яйцаTreatment of helminthosis is carried out by the drugs killing adult individuals of the helminths making impact on their larvae and eggs: Medical amine, Pyrantelum, Levamisole, Vormil, Thiabendazole, Praziquantel and others. Appointment is carried out proceeding from a type of helminthosis and degree of infection.

The good result is yielded by complex treatment of helminthosis at which except protivogelmintny drugs include cholagogue, hepatoprotective, sedatives.

Because many drugs for treatment of helminthosis are toxic, on the end of therapy except a check analysis on availability of helminths, it is necessary to conduct examination of intestinal microflora, bodies of a GIT, liver and if necessary to undergo rehabilitation.

Prevention of a disease

For prevention of helminthosis it is not recommended to drink water from unfamiliar sources, there are dirty fruit, vegetables.

It is necessary to maintain purity in the house, to follow rules of personal hygiene, to carry out regular deworming of domestic animals.

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