Main > Diseases> Genital herpes

Genital herpes

General characteristic of a disease

Симптомы генитального герпеса

Genital herpes is called the viral disease which is characterized by specific rashes of bubbles on mucous membranes of genitalias. Among 8 different types of herpes the simple virus of herpes of genital II type takes the second place after a virus I of the type affecting a human face.

The carrier of a virus of genital herpes is approximately every 5th inhabitant of Earth. About 95% of the population of the planet are considered displayed by a virus of herpes of the I type. The disease is transmitted in the contact way, and the virus remains with the person for the rest of life, is not dependent on whether the patient has external manifestations of symptoms of genital herpes. When easing the immunity caused to seasonal SARS, a stress or an exacerbation of a chronic disease there is the next manifestation of a disease.

Genital herpes occurs at women more often than at men. A black part of the population is more subject to a disease. But this pattern is caused not by genetic premises, but the worst care of the health and smaller opportunities of high-quality medical care. Genital herpes at women at pregnancy is especially dangerous: in 95% of cases there is transplacental infection a fruit virus, fraught with his death or a deep invalidism.

Symptoms of genital herpes

Expressiveness of symptoms of genital herpes at the infected person is deeply individual. Primary episode of a disease of a genital nerpes the longest and dangerous. Refer the heat, head and muscular pain similar to flu symptoms to symptoms of genital herpes of this period. At men genital herpes is shown by single or multiple rashes of bubbles on a penis, a scrotum, hips, in the field of an anus and buttocks. At primary genital herpes at women mass defeat is observed by a virus of a neck of uterus, vagina and vulva. Genital herpes at men in primary period usually proceeds is less expressed, than at women.

Carry a hyperadenosis in all body to additional symptoms of genital herpes and an urodynia at defeat by a virus of an urethral path. Symptoms of genital herpes at women quite often take for manifestations of signs of the milkwoman or a bacterial vaginosis.

At a secondary or recurrent episode of a disease symptoms of genital herpes are less expressed. Before the repeated outbreak of a disease the patient usually feels a pricking in genitals. Manifestation of symptoms of secondary genital herpes is usually limited to an inflammation of lymph nodes in a groin and emergence of bubbles on genitalias. A recurrence of genital herpes at men and women lasts no more than 6-12 days, but can repeat to 7 times a year.

Diagnosis of genital herpes

At diagnosis of a disease virologic crops of samples of the cells taken from the site of the struck fabrics are made. The second method of detection of genital herpes – PTsR (polimerazno-chain reaction) of blood applied in differentsionny diagnosis of the majority of gynecologic and urogenital infections. Also microbiological detection of genital herpes by means of antigen or tests by definition of antibodies to a virus in blood of the person is possible.

Treatment of genital herpes

Противовирусное средство при лечении генитального герпеса

In treatment of genital herpes anti-virus drugs are used. At primary episode of a disease to patients the 5-day course of antiviral therapy is usually appointed even if at the time of the address of the patient to the doctor symptoms of genital herpes practically disappeared.

To reduce discomfort from the itching or becoming wet ulcers in genitals, analgetics and bathtubs with saline solution are applied. Similar treatment of genital herpes at recurrent episodes of a disease allows to reduce expressiveness of symptoms significantly. Reception of antiviral drugs is recommended to be begun at the first signs of resuming of a disease.

House treatment of genital herpes consists in frequent intimate hygiene (to 3-4 times days). Genital herpes at women and men assumes also wearing convenient linen from natural fabrics,

Prevention of genital herpes

To prevent infection with genital herpes it is important to use personal sanitary products always. Probability to catch a virus minimum if to practice safe sex, using condom as contraceptive means. The effective vaccine against a virus of genital herpes at men and women at the moment, unfortunately, does not exist.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.