Main > Drugs> The geranium is meadow

The geranium is meadow

Многолетнее растение герань луговаяGeranium meadow – the perennial plant belonging to family Geranaceous.

Description, places of growth

The plant has a short rhizome. The land escapes branching, strong. Stalks in an upper part well leaf-bearing. Radical leaves have pochkovidno-roundish plates from 6 to 12 cm long, seven-separate almost to the basis, dlinnochereshkovy, have the plumose made an incision shares. Stem leaves it is less by the sizes, with shorter scapes, five-separate. Upper leaves sedentary, three-separate.

Flowers numerous, zontichnoobrazny. On each peduncule about two flowers of a large correct form which are widely opened are located. During blossoming are directed by the opened part up, and before blossoming hang.

The plant yields the korobochkoobrazny fruits which when maturing are breaking up to five one-seeded parts.

The geranium meadow prefers meadow areas, valleys of the mountain rivers, deciduous, sometimes softwood forests, and also wet forest glades.

It is widespread in Central Asia, in Western Siberia (except Daursky district), in Belarus, in Ukraine (except the Crimea), in the Siberian Arctic (lower reach of the Yenisei River), in the European part of Russia, in the Arctic (The Murmansk coast, the European Arctic).

The grass (flowers, leaves and stalks) and roots of a geranium meadow are applied in medical the purposes.

Chemical composition

Roots of a plant contain starch, carbohydrates, tannins, flavonoids, catechins, fenolkarbonovy acids, triterpenovy saponins.

 Leaves, stalk and flowers of a plant contain sucrose, fructose, glucose, saponins, raffinose, alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, flavonoids, leykoantotsiana and anthocyans, tannins.

Use and useful properties

Ботаническая иллюстрация герани луговойTannins in a plant have antibacterial action. Extract of an elevated part of a plant, depending on a dosage, is capable to render as oppressing, and exciting action on a nervous system, has anti-toxic effect against snake poisons.

The geranium meadow in traditional medicine as antiinflammatory, knitting and disinfectant found the application, at fractures of bones, and also at treatment of tumoral diseases.

Infusion or broth of a grass or roots of a plant helps at epilepsy, fever, sleeplessness, catarrhal and gastric diseases, at gastritis, hemorrhoidal bleedings, enteritis.

The grass is applied in the form of infusion, broth or powder to lotions and powders at it is long not healing wounds, abscesses, ulcers, at gouty and rheumatic joint pains, and also for rinsing at quinsies, ulites and stomatitises.

Infusion of a grass is accepted at gout and rheumatism, an urolithiasis, at tachycardia, stenocardia, some female diseases, itch, for treatment of diseases of a respiratory organs.

Broth of a grass will caress hair at an alopecia.

Roots in the form of broth are effective at dyspepsia and dysentery, and the crushed roots are effective at caries.

The fresh pounded leaves of a plant put to places of stings of snakes.


Use of a geranium meadow at the increased viscosity of blood, thrombophlebitises and thromboses, at senile locks is not recommended, to an intestines atony, at gastritis and a hyperoxemia.

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