Main > Reference book of diets> Gerkulesovy diet

Gerkulesovy diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:7 days

3,5 of 5

The diet on porridge seems useful, but it is not balanced therefore has shortcomings. However if not to adhere to it longer than the recommended term, the risk for health is small, and the number of the lost kilograms impresses.

Recommended частота:раз in 3 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Basis of the Herculean diet is porridge.

The Gerkulesovy diet will help to get rid of extra kilos and to clear intestines of slags and toxins. Porridge positively influences work of a stomach, reduces cholesterol level in blood, improves a condition of skin and vessels.

The diet lasts 7 days. There are two options of the Herculean diet: strict and allowing eases, the strict option will help to dump 7-8 kilograms in a week, sparing up to 5 kilograms.

Геркулесовая диета - диета, которая поможет избавиться от лишних килограммов и очистить кишечник от шлаков и токсинов


Porridge clears an organism.

Porridge well sates, it can be eaten in unlimited number that saves from feeling of hunger.

Shortcomings and contraindications

As any monodiet, Gerkulesovaya a diet quickly bothers, and then failure is probable. Besides, the menu of a diet is not balanced, the organism does not receive necessary vitamins, microelements and nutrients.

As the diet short, after its termination weight can return, especially if sharply to leave a diet.

On porridge it is difficult to gain a daily minimum of calories therefore the diet brakes a metabolism.

The diet is contraindicated to the people inclined to locks. Before a diet it is necessary to consult to the doctor.

What products are resolved?

At strict option of a diet only the steamed porridge and apples (from the fifth day of a diet), from drinks tea and still water is resolved.

The sparing option of a diet allows to use, except porridge, honey, low-fat kefir, apples. From drinks tea and still water.

What products are prohibited?

All products, except specified in the previous point are prohibited.


On strict option of a diet from the first to the fourth day only porridge, without salt and sugar is resolved, porridge can be used in any quantity, without restrictions. From the fifth to the seventh day it is possible to add apple to a diet. Within a week have only still water and tea.

The menu of the sparing option of the Herculean diet:

The first and next days

Breakfast: porridge with a honey spoon, kefir.

Lunch: ¾ a glass of the steamed-out oat flakes, honey.

Dinner: ½ glasses of the steamed-out oat flakes, a half of grated apple, a half-glass of kefir (1%), a half of a spoon of honey.

Useful tips:

Council 1: Try to support sense of fulness, otherwise it will want the prohibited products.

Council 2: The diet promotes emergence of a lock to reduce its probability, drink enough liquid.

Council 3: To derive a benefit maximum from porridge, it is necessary to fill in integral flakes with boiled water and to leave before swelling. Approximately in 10 minutes porridge will be ready to the use.

Whether you know that:

The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.