Main > Drugs> Glycerophosphate


Глицерофосфат формулаGlycerophosphate – the drug influencing fabric exchange, mineral additive.

Pharmacological action

Glycerophosphate acts as the regulator of exchange of calcium, phosphorus, influences metabolic processes, has tonic, fortifying effect, fills shortage of calcium, strengthens production of protein in an organism.

Active ingredient of drug - calcium glycerophosphate.

Calcium ions participate in mechanisms of transfer of nervous impulses, blood coagulations, functioning of a myocardium, reduction of unstriated, cross-striped muscles. Calcium is important for support of electrolytic balance, formation of a bone tissue.

Release form

Glycerophosphate is produced in the form of powder (inodorous, white crystal), soluble in water and tablets.

Indications to use

Glitserfosfat apply as raising activity of an organism and fortifying cure for rickets, dystrophy, a hypotrophy.

There are good responses about calcium the glycerophosphate applied at nervous exhaustion and overfatigue.

Application instruction of Glycerophosphate

Глицефосфат кальцияGlycerophosphate of calcium is appointed to accept inside: children are given on 0,05-0,2gr. at one time, the adult appoint 0,2-0,5gr.

According to the instruction of Glycerophosphate accept drug two-three р / day.

Often drug is appointed along with iron preparations.

The course of treatment proceeds 2-4 weeks. If it is necessary, it can be repeated.

Side effects

Responses about calcium glycerophosphate generally positive, are possible only allergic manifestations, a lock, slight nausea, abdominal pains, diarrhea.


How to appoint specified in the instruction of Glycerophosphate it it is impossible at hypersensitivity, a hypercalcemia (for example at metastasises in bones, a sarcoidosis), thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, the expressed atherosclerosis, the heavy insufficient renal, increased coagulability of blood, during therapy by cardiac glycosides. Do not give drug to children up to two years.

At overdose of Glycerophosphate there can be a hypercalcemia, diarrhea, a lock, nausea, pains in epigastriums. For elimination of symptoms it is necessary to stop reception of Glycerophosphate and as an antidote to enter intravenously a calcitonin.

At use of Glycerophosphate it is necessary to consider that its absorbability from intestines can be reduced because of consumption of a rhubarb, grain, spinach, bran.

Glycerophosphate can be accepted at pregnancy, during breastfeeding. Only, it is necessary to remember that calcium is emitted with milk therefore if the child already accepts calcium or D3 vitamin, Glycerophosphate to the feeding woman it is impossible to accept.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.