
The chub is the fish belonging to family cyprinid. Lives in the basic in the rivers, but sometimes meets also in fresh lakes. The chub in Europe and Asia Minor is eurysynusic.

Рыба голавль

Outward of a chub

The chub has very massive head, slightly flat from above and the extended roundish body. Back of a chub of dark green, almost black color. Sides have silvery color with a subtle yellowish shade. Belly and anal fins orange-red, and chest – brightly orange. The chub is rather large predatory fish. Its weight can reach eight kilograms, and length to 85 cm.

Useful properties and caloric content of a chub

The chub is considered one of valuable foodstuff. On the nutritiousness it does not concede in anything to the best grades of meat. However unlike it it is much easier acquired by a human body. Therefore chub dishes are widely used in dietary food, and also have to join in the menu of children and elderly people.

Caloric content of meat of a chub rather low also makes only 90 kcal on 100 g of a product. Therefore meat of this fish can be included safely in the menu of the people watching the weight or persons interested to lose weight.

Meat of a chub contains a large number various macro - and microelements: phosphorus, bromine, manganese, magnesium, cobalt, calcium, potassium, copper, iron, lithium and boron. Fat of this fresh-water fish is not less nutritious and useful. It contains a lot of vitamin A and vitamin D, and also the polyunsaturated fatty acids possessing the expressed antioxidant action and the cardiovascular diseases and diseases of joints interfering development.

Chub dishes

Some people consider that the chub is almost inedible and very tasteless fish. Partly they explain the opinion with the fact that the chub is the predator eating not only whitebaits, but also insects and even mice. Others do not like the fact that meat of a chub contains many ossicles and gives an ooze smell. But, despite all these shortcomings, the chub is rather widely used in cookery and including in dietary food. At the correct preparation of a dish from a chub have high dietary and the tastes surpassing meat of such fishes as a bream or an ide.

Most often meat of a chub is baked in a foil together with vegetables. To beat off an unpleasant smell of ooze it is necessary to pickle the cleared fish in lemon juice with addition of aromatic herbs and garlic.

The chub can be baked also with white sauce or to extinguish in sour cream. The chub fried on a frying pan or on a grill is not less tasty and useful. This fish can be used also for preparation of fish soup. In addition the boiled chub is excellent addition to various salads and perfectly replaces beef or fowl.


At desire of a chub it is possible and to salt. However it is not necessary to eat often the salty chub who did not undergo heat treatment since in this case meat of this fish breaks absorption from B1 vitamin intestines that can lead to development of a hypovitaminic state.

Chub dishes give with boiled potatoes, kvass, fresh-salted cucumbers, sweet green pepper or fried slices of white loaf. For ornament use lemon segments, pieces of a cucumber, tomato or green lettuce leaves.

In supermarkets the frozen chub usually is on sale. Fresh this fish it is possible to buy only in the fish markets. Buying a chub, it is necessary to remember that his meat very quickly spoils at storage in the fresh air therefore always pay special attention to a period of validity of fish. In addition giving chub dishes to small children, be extremely attentive since meat of fish contains many ossicles and the child can choke.

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