Main > Diseases> Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis

General characteristic of a disease

Симптомы хронического бронхита

Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of bronchial tubes which is followed by expectoration and constant cough within 2 and more years. Pulmonologists suggest to divide chronic bronchitis which symptoms occur at 3-8% of adult population, into two forms – primary and secondary. At primary form at the patient the diffusion defeat of a bronchial tree which is not connected with other inflammatory processes proceeding in a body of the person is observed. The secondary form is caused by chronic pulmonary diseases, a nose, adnexal bosoms, a chronic renal failure, serious illnesses of heart and some other diseases.

Chronic bronchitis – symptoms and a clinical picture of a disease

The air getting into lungs of the healthy person is almost sterile as it is cleared of all harmful impurity due to the filtering ability of a nose, the microcilia covering a mucous membrane of bronchial tubes, and a tussive reflex. Nevertheless, in some cases bacteria after all get into our organism, passing all protective barriers. At the same time they cause damages which are followed by inflammatory processes, cough and the strengthened production of slime.

If disease-producing factors affect an organism during a long period, then the person has a chronic bronchitis. Treatment is directed to elimination of causes of illness as most of which often act: tobacco smoke, dust and air pollution on production, any bacterial infections. The disease develops slowly, but covers all surface of walls of bronchial tubes, causing their narrowing and other irreversible deformations.

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment the disease progresses and, eventually, passes into chronic obstructive bronchitis. The long irritation of a bronchial tree and, as a result, disturbance of normal ventilation of the lungs is the cornerstone of it.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis:

  • constant cough for 2 and more years in a row. It is followed by a plentiful phlegm and amplifies in the morning;
  • feeling of weakness, fatigue, sadneniye behind a breast;
  • hurried breathing, dry rattles;
  • asthma, bystry fatigue at exercise stresses.

The exacerbation of chronic bronchitis leads to an aggravation of symptoms of the patient. At the person cough amplifies, breath is at a loss, there is pain in a thorax and an abdominal cavity. The phlegm gains purulent or mucopurulent character.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis is followed by bronchospasms (rattles at breath) and severe short wind. At patients the symptomatic hyperglobulia accrues, cyanosis of a mucous membrane of bronchial tubes develops. At X-ray inspections moderate expansion of roots of lungs and the increased transparency of pulmonary fields come to light.

Chronic bronchitis – treatment of a disease

About what well national treatment of chronic bronchitis, we will tell slightly below for now we concentrate by standard medicamentous methods. Generally disposal of the person of bronchitis comes down to normalization of respiratory function and reduction of extent of influence of risk factors. In particular, doctors have to take measures for secretion reduction, take care of a phlegm otkhozhdeniya, to appoint adequate antibacterial therapy.

It is also necessary to follow certain rules thanks to which the disease and all its forms, for example, chronic obstructive bronchitis are treated in the most short time and do not give to patients any inconvenience any more. Among the main rules we would like to note the next moments:

  • the serious relation to a disease and understanding that it can lead to very serious consequences;
  • therapy has to consider specific features of an organism on which its volume and intensity depend;
  • treatment is performed in a complex as separate actions will not give considerable relief of a condition of the patient;
  • national treatment of chronic bronchitis should be discussed with the attending physician previously.

Лечение хронического бронхита

As for medicamentous means. Chronic bronchitis which treatment assumes use of the most different drugs is, mainly, holding complex actions. Bronchodilators which reduce degree of manifestation of unpleasant symptoms are the cornerstone of a symptomatic treatment and are applied in the preventive purposes. The exacerbation of chronic bronchitis demands performing inhalation therapy and use of nebulizers which increase intake of drugs in respiratory tracts and efficiency of their action. Owing to features of pharmacokinetics as inhalers m cholinolytics are usually applied.

If at the patient chronic obstructive bronchitis is observed, then physicians, as a rule, use antikholinergik which effect is connected with stimulation of muskarinovy receptors. Gained the greatest distribution атровент (ипратропиум bromide) that is connected with its high performance and safety for a human body. Anticholinergic drugs are capable to cope also with other complications by which chronic bronchitis is followed. Treatment will allow to improve efficiency of patients, will take off constant fatigue, normalizes a dream and will increase quality of life of the patient.

Chronic bronchitis – folk remedies and recipes

At once there is a wish to note that chronic bronchitis which symptoms are shown generally at elderly people it is possible and it is necessary to treat folk remedies, but at the same time it is necessary to coordinate all actions with the attending physician and to follow his recommendations. So you reduce risk of emergence of complications and will achieve the best results in minimum possible terms.

We will not consider all recipes by means of which it is possible to cure chronic bronchitis (folk remedies are extremely various), and we will give only the most widespread of them.

  • mix among themselves 400 g of sugar, 500 g of the crushed bulbs and 50 g of honey. Add 1 liter of water to the turned-out mix and you boil it within 3 hours. It is necessary to accept broth once a day on 1 tablespoon;
  • mix 30 g of leaves of a plantain and roots of a glycyrrhiza naked, add 20 g of a grass of a violet three-colored and leaves of coltsfoot, fill in mix with a glass of boiled water and heat on the water bath within 15 minutes. The received broth needs to be cooled and filtered. A dosage – 3 times a day on 1/3-1/4 glasses;
  • doctors recommend to people for whom chronic bronchitis is diagnosed, to daily drink 30-40 drops of tincture of a yarrow (30 g of a grass on 100 ml of alcohol) or juice from this plant (4 times a day on the 2nd tablespoons);
  • dry cough can be facilitated by means of tea from buckwheat flowers.
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