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Infectious mononucleosis

General characteristic of a disease

Инфекционный мононуклеозThe infectious mononucleosis represents an acute viral disease which causative agent is Epstein-Barre's virus rather steady in external environment.

Fever, damage of lymph nodes, pharynx, spleen, liver, and also peculiar changes of composition of blood is characteristic of this disease.

The infectious mononucleosis is called sometimes "a potseluyny disease" that is connected with its airborne way of transfer, in particular through kisses, when using the general bed, linen, ware. Places with big density of healthy and sick people - kindergartens, the camp, nursing homes, hostels are favorable for spread of a virus.

As a rule, the clinical picture of an infectious mononucleosis develops at people of young age: the peak of incidence at girls is observed in 14-16 years, and the maximum infectiousness among boys is noted in 16-18 years. At most of people by 25-35 years reveal in antibody blood to this virus.

Symptoms of an infectious mononucleosis

Duration of an incubation interval can vary from 5 to 45 days, however 7-10 days most often last. Disease duration, as a rule, does not exceed two months. The infectious mononucleosis, symptoms can be shown selectively or in a complex, begins with sharp rise in body temperature, swelling of cervical lymph nodes, difficulty of nasal breath and quinsy. These symptoms of a disease in full usually develops by the end of the first week. At the initial stage most of patients has also such symptoms of an infectious mononucleosis as existence in blood of peculiar lymphocytes (atypical mononuklear), and also increase in a liver and spleen.

The disease can begin and gradually: a febricula, small temperature or its absence, moderate inflammatory processes in upper respiratory tracts. At some patients body temperature considerably increases only at the height of a disease, however cases when temperature is absent throughout the entire period of an infectious mononucleosis, are very rare.

Important, very often the first symptom of an infectious mononucleosis is the hyperadenosis, especially cervical. They can be seen or probed – size can vary from the pea size to egg. Suppuration of lymph nodes is not characteristic of this disease.

Поражение ротоглотки – постоянный симптом инфекционного мононуклеозаDefeat of a stomatopharynx – a constant symptom of an infectious mononucleosis. At patients puffiness and increase in palatine tonsils, defeat of a nasopharyngeal almond is observed that, in turn, causes difficulty of nasal breath, the expressed nose congestion, a voice sdavlennost, the "snoring" breath by a mouth. Back rhinitis therefore allocations from a nose usually are not observed in the period of an exacerbation of a disease is characteristic of an infectious mononucleosis, they appear only after recovery of nasal breath. At patients puffiness of a back wall of a throat which is usually covered with dense slime is noted. During a disease the moderate hyperemia of a pharynx and an insignificant pharyngalgia is observed.

The infectious mononucleosis at children in 85% of cases is followed by a plaque on nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils. As a rule, emergence of this symptom (at the beginning or for 3-4 day of a disease) causes a bigger temperature increase and deterioration in the general state.

Increase in a liver and spleen is noted at 97-98% of patients. Change of the sizes of a liver sometimes provokes emergence of yellowness of skin which disappears afterwards together with other displays of a disease. Begun to increase from the first days of a disease and reached the maximum in sizes at 4-10 day, the liver is returned to the normal amount only by the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of a disease.

Quite often symptoms of an infectious mononucleosis are puffiness the century, puffiness of the person, an enanthesis, petechia and a dieback in a mouth.

The disease can be also shown in the form of such disturbances from cardiovascular system as tachycardia, systolic noise, a priglushennost of cordial tones.

The infectious mononucleosis at children is not characterized by a chronic current and a recurrence. Complications at patients are most often caused by activation of microbic flora, and also stratification of a SARS, otitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Pancreatitis, an orchitis and parotitis are considered as rare complications of a disease. In 80% of cases the infectious mononucleosis completely recovers in 2-3 weeks, only in certain cases changes in blood (existence of atypical mononuklear, a moderate leukocytosis) can remain before half a year. The lethal outcome of the disease is possible only in isolated cases – from a rupture of a spleen, severe defeats of a nervous system, at genetic insufficiency of lymphatic system.

Treatment of an infectious mononucleosis

At the moment specific treatment of an infectious mononucleosis is not developed.

Plentiful drink, bed rest, the diet assuming an exception of fried and fat food, hot spices is recommended to the patient. The symptomatic treatment of an infectious mononucleosis includes reception of vitamins, use of the hyposensibilizing means (reduce sensitivity to allergen), a thaw in a nose, rinsing of a throat and pharynx Iodinolum, Furacilin solution, Tinctura Calendulae, a sage, a camomile, 3% solution of peroxide of hydrogen or other antiseptic agents.

In treatment of an infectious mononucleosis it is reasonable to dig in within 2-3 days in a nose interferon or to apply rectal candles виферон for 5-10 days. Use of natural stimulators of production of interferon – tincture of a magnolia vine, a ginseng, a wolfberry, an arapiya, a sterkuliya is as an alternative possible.

При инфекционном мононуклеозе рекомендуется применять неовирAt an infectious mononucleosis it is recommended to apply not OVIR representing antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulator. Sulfanamide drugs at this disease are not appointed. Antibiotics can be recommended only in case of accession of secondary microflora. At treatment of a severe form of a disease of short courses corticosteroids, in particular Prednisolonum are applied,

The infectious mononucleosis at children does not assume specific treatment. After recovery exercise stresses of athletes and teenagers have to be limited at least for half a year, for the purpose of decrease in risk of traumatization of a spleen.

Prevention of an infectious mononucleosis

The diseased it is necessary or to isolate houses for 2-3 weeks, or to hospitalize according to clinical indications. Disinfection is not required, it is enough to air the room and to regularly do wet cleaning. The patient should give separate ware and necessary objects of leaving.

As the vaccine against an infectious mononucleosis is not developed, active immunization against this disease is not carried out.

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