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Apples – apple-tree fruits which are recommended to be eaten as fresh, and as a part of drinks and culinary products.

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The apple-tree concerns to family of a rose family. These trees does not demand special leaving, however at sufficient attention from the gardener are capable to yield a rich harvest both in a shadow, and in the sun. The only place where the apple-tree will not feel comfortably, is lowlands and hollows as here the probability that late frosts will damage tree flowers is high.

According to opinions of some scientists, apple-tree Rhodinum – Central Asia, however other researchers are sure that the first sweet apples appeared on border of China with Kazakhstan. Bears extended seeds of this plant, choosing the most sweet and large fruits. After cultivation of an apple-tree began to be engaged also in the western regions of the Planet. In the Bronze age apples extended to territories of the states about the Persian Gulf, and by the Roman legionaries were delivered to Europe.

The huge number of various grades of this tree allows everyone to find fruit to taste, and useful properties of apples – the reason that they are present at a diet of each person caring for the health.

In our country more others grades of Melba, Antonovka, Semerenko, the Rennet and others are esteemed.

Nutrition value, structure and caloric content of apples

As a part of apples carbohydrates – about 13,81 g on 100 g of a product prevail. 2,2 g make food fibers of them. Proteins, as well as fats, contains very little – 0,26 g and 0,17 g according to.

However apples are appreciated first of all a well of the vitamins which are contained in them. Most of all contains in these fruit potassium (107 mg), phosphorus (11 mg), calcium (6 mg) and magnesium (5 mg). Content of ascorbic acid or vitamin C in 100 g of apples makes about 4,6 mg. It is possible to distinguish the following from other vitamins which are a part of fruit: vitamins of group B (B2, B1, B5, B3, B9, B6), tocopherol or vitamin E and vitamin K. Contain also microelements among which, in addition to listed above, iron, sodium, zinc and copper.

Caloric content of apples does not exceed 52 Kcal that serves as the reason of inclusion of this product in various diets.

Useful properties of apples

Contents in apples of various acids (apple, wine, lemon) well affects work of intestines, stopping in it processes of rotting and fermentation. Less disturbing there are also signs of these phenomena: meteorism and abdominal distention. Besides, apples often write out as the means promoting natural clarification and recovery of intestines. Specialists note advantage of apples at locks since these fruit are absolutely safe and natural laxative. As a purgative acid apples use in number of 1-2 pieces, accepting them on an empty stomach. Along with it it is noticed that addition of apples in a food allowance reduces growth of cancer cells in a liver and intestines.

Apples are useful and at cold. The vitamin C which is their part effectively increases immunity and counteracts viruses. However the value of ascorbic acid not only in it. The use of the products rich with vitamin C promotes strengthening of walls of vessels, reducing their permeability for toxic substances, and also removes hypostases and helps to recover in short terms forces after a wearisome disease.

According to nutritionists, the advantage of apples directly depends on when they were broken. It is logical that the most useful fruits which - are just broken since concentration of vitamins and useful substances in them is maximum. Besides, in the medical purposes it is recommended to use apples with sourness – they more other grades are rich with important vitamins.

Contents in apples of phytoncides – natural antibiotics – does them useful not only at cold, but also at other viral and bacterial diseases, in particular, apples suppress activity of golden staphylococcus and dysenteric stick.

The combination of tannins and the potassium which is contained in large numbers in apples represents fine prophylactic at an urolithiasis and gout. Such complex of useful substances interferes with formation of a deposit from salts of uric acid.

Soft cholagogue effect of apples is effective at prevention of diseases of a gall bladder. The freshly squeezed juice from fruit taken for half an hour to food helps to prevent emergence and development of cholelithiasis.

Small content of sugar in some grades and the low caloric content of apples allow to appoint fruit a sick diabetes mellitus and to include in a diet.

Яблочный сок

One of the known useful properties of apples – ability to influence cholesterol level in blood. The regular use of these juicy fruit reduces amount of cholesterol by 30%.

Effect of apples on teeth is curious. Scientists found out that at those who eat on apple in the morning teeth it is purer and healthier, than at those who do not do it. Also it is recommended to complete each meal, eating on a small apple, then the feeling of freshness will accompany for the whole day.

Despite the content of cyanhydric acid which belongs to toxic agents stones of apples in small amounts (no more than 4 pieces) are useful as prophylactic at cancer diseases.

At last, the advantage of apples is known with a low pressure and hardening of vessels since fruit promote blood clarification.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.