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Electrotherapy – one of physical therapy methods based on controlled impact on an organism of electric current, magnetic and electromagnetic fields.Электротерапия - метод воздействия на организм электрическим током

Today it is known that the human body is a volume conductor of the loaded ions migrating in the presence of the electromagnetic field. Positively charged particles move to a negative pole, negatively charged - to positive, providing normal functioning of all systems of an organism.

One of the first methods of an electrotherapy was franklinization - a method of the combined impact on an organism of the constant electric field which is followed by the "silent" category. The physical therapy method developed by the American scientific B. Franklin, on observations, caused only positive changes in a human body: improved blood circulation, reduced arterial pressure, had the hyposensibilizing and anesthetizing effect, promoted the fastest epithelization of wounds. Franklinization became "first step" of applied medicine towards to treatment by electricity.

Low-frequency electrotherapy

The low-frequency electrotherapy is understood as a galvanization method – impacts on an organism of direct electric current of low tension and force.

Sensitivity to a galvanic current in various areas of a body is various therefore the maximum current is used when processing extremities (20-30 мА), at galvanization of the person and mucous membranes current size usually does not exceed 5 мА.

Depending on time of action of a low-frequency electrotherapy for a body and its dosages galvanization causes improvement of peripheric circulation, promotes recovery of the injured nerves and fabrics. The technique of an electrotherapy is shown at diseases and injuries of a peripheral nervous system, frustration of back and cerebral circulation, neurasthenia, vegetative dystonia, chronic inflammatory processes, diseases of digestive organs, hypotonia, a hypertension, stenocardia, atherosclerosis of vessels in an initial stage.

In cosmetology the low-frequency electrotherapy is applied for the purpose of painless removal from cells of fabrics of toxins, elimination superficial and smoothing of age wrinkles. Galvanization positively influences dry face skin, doing it smooth and elastic, eliminating a nevus pigmentosus and eels.

Ionophoresis - one of methods of galvanization and an electrotherapy based on a combination of impact on a human body of current of low frequencies and the medicine entered together with it that provides its higher therapeutic effectiveness and prolongation of action.

Medicinal substances (vitamins, hyaluronic acid) collect in a derma and epidermis, gradually getting into circulatory and absorbent vessels. The procedure of an electrotherapy together with medicines provides the bystry and lasting rejuvenating effect.

The low-frequency electrotherapy is perfectly compatible to other popular cosmetology procedures: hardware cosmetology, laser rejuvenation, chemical peelings, etc.

High-frequency electrotherapy

The high-frequency electrotherapy is a method of impact on a human body which consists in use of alternating current of high, ultrahigh and ultrahigh frequencies, called in honor of the French physicist and the physiologist Arsène D'Arsonval.

Distinguish local and general darsonvalization. The course of the general electrotherapy consists of 20-30 procedures and is applied at such diseases as an idiopathic hypertensia, migraine, a varicosity, hemorrhoids, increased fatigue, frostbites and not healing ulcers.

Use of a local high-frequency electrotherapy is eurysynusic in cosmetology. During impact of an electrode on integuments of the person and a neck there is a single-step vasospasm at which blood and a lymph begin to circulate intensively on an organism, eliminating developments of stagnation, normalizing turgor and a tone of skin.

In the cosmetic purposes darsonvalization is applied:

  • After medical and hygienic face peel;
  • Just before imposing of a mask or nutritious cream;
  • For the purpose of elimination of signs of the dry, flabby, withering skin;
  • At fat face skin;
  • In combination with massage of the head.

The high-frequency electrotherapy is the effective and nontraumatic method of influence causing positive emotions in the patient and providing resistant and visible result.

Pulse electrotherapy

Сеанс импульсной электротерапииPulse electrotherapy (or diadynamotherapy) - a method of impact on a human body direct currents impulses with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz with continuous alternation of the short and long periods. During the procedure the patient feels a pricking, easy burning, vibration. Diadynamotherapy promotes blood circulation improvement, a rassasyvaniye of hypostases, increasing the content of oxygen in organism cells, and is applied at the expressed pain syndrome, traumatic damages, diseases of a musculoskeletal system and joints, epilepsy, migraine and some other diseases.

In practice of physical therapy the pulse electrotherapy is often used in combination with mud cure, a medical electrophoresis.

Under the influence of stresses of people it is not always capable to remove muscular stress and to have a rest fully. Diadynamotherapy - one of the most effective methods of relaxation allowing to normalize a tone of spazmirovanny vessels, to cause reduction of skeletal and unstriated muscles.

In cosmetology diadynamotherapy is applied seldom as high frequencies of a technique are capable to cause a tetanus - the intensive reduction of muscle fibers causing painful feelings.

Contraindications to an electrotherapy

Despite numerous positive effects, it is necessary to resort to electrotreatment with care, considering all available contraindications to an electrotherapy:

  • Epilepsy;
  • New growths of any localization and etiology;
  • Feverish states;
  • Pustulous infections;
  • Circulatory unefficiency 3 degrees;
  • Idiopathic hypertensia 3 stages;
  • Acute bleedings;
  • Vein thrombosis;
  • States narcotic, alcoholic or hyperphrenia;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Active tuberculosis;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Urolithic and cholelithic diseases;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Individual intolerance.

It is possible to study the complete list of diseases in the presence of which use of an electrotherapy is not recommended at the therapist or the diplomaed cosmetologist.

Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.