Application instruction:
Etamsylate is the drug increasing process of education in capillary walls of mucopolysaccharides and increasing stability of microvessels. Drug improves permeability of capillaries in a condition of pathological process, and also normalizes microcirculation, has haemo static effect. The haemo static effect of Etamsylate is caused by activation of formation of thromboplastin. Drug strengthens formation ІІІ blood-coagulation factors, improves adhesion of thrombocytes. Etamsylate does not exert impact on PTI, has no hypercoagulative properties, does not promote a thrombogenesis. High performance of drug provides positive reviews about Etamsylate from doctors.
According to the instruction to Etamsylate, this drug is used at:
According to the instruction to Etamsylate, drug is contraindicated at:
Etamsylate is intended for intramuscular, intravenous, retrobulbar, subconjunctival, oral administration.
The haemo static effect of the drug Etamsylate develops 5-15 minutes later after intravenous use. The maximum effect is reached in 1-2 hours. Effect of drug lasts more than 4 hours. The effect at intramuscular use of Etamsylate develops later. At oral administration maximum efficiency is reached in three hours.
With the preventive purpose administer the drug intravenously or intramusculary for an hour before an operative measure, a dosage – 2-4 ml (0,25-0,5g active ingredient). Also oral administration in three hours prior to operation (2-3 tablets) is possible. In case of need Etamsylate can intravenously be entered into operative measure time. For prevention of postoperative bleedings enter 4-6 ml a day (or 6-8 tablets).
At bleeding with the medical purpose enter 2-4ml drug at once, then – on 2 ml everyone four – six hours, or on 2 tablets. Perhaps drop use of Etamsylate, for this purpose drug part in usual infusion solutions. It is not necessary to mix this drug with others in one syringe.
At therapy of dysfunctional uterine bleedings Etamsylate appoint on 0,5g inside or 0,25 – parenterally each six hours, therapy duration – about 10 days.
At therapy of hemorrhagic diathesis appoint drug courses in a dosage 1,5g in days orally for two weeks. In difficult clinical situations treatment is begun parenterally (0,25-0,5g twice a day), then passed to oral administration.
At diabetic mikroangiopatiya Etamsylate is appointed in a dosage by 1-2 tablets a day within two-three months.
Dosage for retrobulbar and subconjunctival use – 1 ml.
The following side effects at Etamsylate use are registered: weight in epigastriums, heartburn, dizziness, a headache, a hyperemia of the person, decrease the GARDEN, allergic reactions, paresthesias of the lower extremities.
According to strict indications use of Etamsylate at pregnancy is possible, in cases when the expected advantage for an organism of mother is much higher than potential risks for a fruit. The negative impact on a fruit at purpose of Etamsylate at pregnancy is not revealed.
The Etamsylate analog - Dicynonum is registered.
Reviews of Etamsylate speak about rather high performance of this medicine. Efficiency of Etamsylate is proved in numerous clinical trials.
Before use of this drug it is recommended to study the instruction to Etamsylate.
Name of drug
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