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How to lose weight in legs

The question "how to lose weight in legs" is usually asked by the people wishing to get rid of excess weight. Quite often happens Похудеть в ногах можно в домашних условиях so that the person after a diet dumps a significant amount of kilograms. The waist, a face grows thin, but legs at the same time remain in an invariable look. In this case there is also a question of what to do that legs lost weight and whether it is possible to lose weight in legs without the assistance of surgeons in house conditions. There are several efficient ways helping legs to become more harmonious. It is a special diet for weight loss of legs in combination with exercises for legs.

How to lose weight in legs and hips by means of special exercises

Special exercises for weight loss will help to pump up muscles of legs, to improve their tone. Before performance of exercises it is necessary to do exercises for a warming up. For this purpose perfectly running on the spot, a raising of knees, squats will approach. And only after a warming up it is possible to begin performance of exercises. To lose weight in legs and hips, all exercises at first can be carried out till 10-30 times, smoothly increasing loading.

  • Waves legs. For performance of exercise it is necessary to kneel, before itself to rest hands against a floor. The back at the same time should be held exactly and parallel to a floor. Further it is necessary to make free swings one, other leg. At a move the leg should be taken away as much as possible back. After performance of exercise it is the best of all to rise and to resemble a little. Walking will relax muscles and will improve blood circulation.
  • To put legs at shoulder length, to lower hands on seams. On a breath it is necessary to rise smoothly up on toes, to be recorded in an upper point for several seconds, then to inhale and fall smoothly by a floor, lowering hands.
  • Squats. To put legs on width of shoulders, to hold hands on a belt. On an exhalation to sit down, extend hands forward, and on a breath to rise in an initial position. Exercise should be carried out very smoothly, not to tear off heels from a floor.
  • Bicycle. To lay down on a back and to present as if legs you twist bicycle pedals.
  • Scissors. To lay down on a back, to hold legs at an angle of 45 degrees, to extend socks. Further it is necessary to cross intensively legs around knees (at first the right leg above left, then on the contrary), and at the same time it is the best of all to extend hands along a trunk. When performing exercise it is very important that legs did not touch each other.
  • Raising of legs lying on spin. Lying on spin serially to lift legs up to the level of 45 degrees, without touching by floor heels.
  • Raising of legs on one side. To bend a hand in an elbow and to lean on it, lying on the right side. To raise the left leg up 10-20 times, and then перелечь on the left side and to begin exercise with the right leg.
  • Costing raising of legs. To put legs on width of shoulders, hands on seams. To raise the right leg up, and left to transfer and hold before itself. To raise a leg on the maximum height and to touch fingers of hands. For complication of exercise it is necessary to try to raise a leg as it is possible above.

Between exercises it is necessary to do small breaks. Occupations have to last 40-45 minutes. Some specialists advise for weight loss to combine a fitness mix from power exercises with cardiotrainings (racetracks, bicycle, the stepper). The question of what to do that legs by means of special exercises lost weight interests many. Most effective to connect a special diet for weight loss to sports occupations. And those who thinks of how to lose weight in legs and hips without physical exercises need to try to skate weekly, rollers or to go to the pool.

How to lose weight in legs and hips by means of a diet

During Комплекс упражнений, помогающий похудеть в ногах и бедрахthe training it is necessary to drink water. It is the best of all to carry out reception of water every ten-fifteen minutes, having taken several sips. It is impossible to drink aerated water or sweet drinks but only cool, mineral still water. It is desirable to eat as much as possible fruit and vegetables. It is necessary to limit consumption of fried and greasy food, confectionery. At a diet there have to be vitamins C and And, and also products rich with potassium. It can be the kiwi, red pepper, sheet salad, beef liver, potatoes, bananas, dried apricots. During weight loss it is authorized to use acute products as they stimulate blood circulation and by that interfere with a liquid delay in an organism. It is also very useful to add the fat-free yogurts, germs of wheat and soy to the menu. As a part of these products there is a lot of calcium and magnesium therefore they exert beneficial influence on muscles and help to build them correctly.

After classes within two hours it is desirable to eat nothing and not to use either coffee, or tea, and then there are four-five times a day, giving preference to proteinaceous food.

Run helps to lose weight with legs

How to lose weight in legs, without carrying out monotonous sports exercises? Whether it is possible to lose weight in legs by means of run? Run helps to lose weight with legs. Run is useful both to a figure, and to health in general. Many prefer morning jogs. For run it is necessary to choose light and convenient footwear and to pick up the clothes which are not constraining movements. Before jog it is the best of all to do small warm-up. It is necessary to run at least three-four weekly. Duration of jogs should be increased gradually, having begun since ten minutes a day. It is better to begin jog with sports walking, and then to pass to intensive and bystry run. It is necessary to complete jog moderate run.

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